

場所:京都大学経済研究所 本館1階 106 会議室【アクセス】





森知也 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
大澤実 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
町北朋洋 (京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所) [HP]
文世一 (同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科) [HP]

松島格也 (京都大学防災研究所) [HP]
山本和博 (同志社大学大学院経済学研究科) [HP]
松尾美和 (神戸大学経済経営研究所) [HP]

山﨑潤一(京都大学大学院経済学研究科) [HP]




2025/03/07 (金)
Culture, tastes, and market integration: Testing the localized tastes hypothesis (with T. Mori)
Jens Wrona(University of Duisburg-Essen)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室
2025/02/21 (金)
Road and the environment: Evidence from Japan (with Yoshifumi Konishi)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室


Yoshifumi Konishi and Akari Ono, 2024, “Do Winners Win More from Transport Megaprojects? Evidence from the Great Seto Bridge in Japan.” Keio-IES Discussion Paper Series, DP2024-018.


要旨:Do industrial air pollution emissions become spatially dispersed or concentrated through investment in transportation infrastructure? What factors explain the spatial distribution of air pollution? To empirically investigate these questions, we develop a theoretical model consistent with insights from “Trade and the Environment” and “Quantitative Spatial Model”. Theoretically, we show that changes in air pollution can be expressed as a function of Market Access (MA) under heterogeneous environmental regulations and that these changes can be decomposed into scale, composition, and technique effects. To identify the causal effects, we exploit the substantial drop in transportation costs resulting from the construction of the Great Seto Bridge in western Japan during the 1980s and 1990s and construct an instrumental variable following the Recentered Approach. The estimation results indicate that changes in MA due to transportation investment lead to a reduction in ambient sulfur dioxide concentrations on average. Based on our theoretical model, we further examine whether there are heterogeneous effects on air pollution. Our analysis highlights that there are heterogeneous effects on industrial air pollution resulting from the pre-existing level of the MA variable and environmental regulations prior to transportation projects. This supports the spatial dispersion of air pollution through greater reductions in initially highly polluted areas.

2025/01/31 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室



2024/12/27 (金)
Economic development and the spatial distribution of income in cities (with Peter Deffebach, David Lagakos, Eiji Yamada)
Yuhei Miyauchi (Boston University)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室

Abstract:(Tentative) We draw on new granular data from cities around the world to study how the spatial distribution of income within cities varies with development. We document that in less-developed countries, average incomes of urban residents decline monotonically in distance to the city center, whereas income-distance gradients are flat or increasing in developed economies. We also show that urban neighborhoods with natural amenities – in hills and near rivers – are poorer than average in lessdeveloped countries and richer than average in developed ones. We hypothesize that these patterns arise due to the differences in the provision of residential and transportation infrastructure within cites. Using a quantitative urban model, we show that observed differences in residential and transportation infrastructure help explain a significant fraction of how the spatial income distribution within cities varies with income per capita.

2024/11/15 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室


2024/11/15 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室


2024/10/11 (金)
New trade models, same old emissions? (with Robin Sogalla and Joschka Wanner)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室


要旨:This paper investigates the elusive role of productivity heterogeneity in new trade models in the trade and environment nexus. We contrast the Eaton-Kortum and the Melitz models with firm heterogeneity to the Armington and Krugman models without heterogeneity. We show that if firms have a constant emission share in terms of sales — as they do in a wide range of trade and environment models — the three models’ emission predictions exactly coincide. Conversely, if firms have a constant emission intensity per quantity — a prominent alternative in the literature — the emission equivalence between the three models breaks. We provide a generalization that nests both constant emission shares in sales and constant quantity emission intensities as special cases. We calibrate the models to global production and trade data and use German firm-level data to estimate the key elasticity of how emission intensity changes with productivity. Our multi-industry quantification demonstrates that the role of firm heterogeneity depends both on the model and the estimated parameters. Moving from the Armington model to the EK model increases the emissions effect on trade, while moving from the Krugman model to the Melitz model decreases the emission effects on trade.

2024/09/13 (金)
Location advantages and sorting in high school education (with Yuta Kuroda)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室

要旨:This study examines the impacts of eliminating school zones, focusing on the commuting behavior of high school students. To address this issue, we exploit the reform of the education system of public high schools in Nagasaki City, Japan. Before the reform in 2002, the local government assigned students to equalize the educational level among schools. While the reform enabled the students to choose a school on their own, the gap in academic performance among schools has widened. We found that one possible reason for this gap is the concentration of students from highly educated areas to schools with location advantages regarding transport accessibility and urban amenities.

2024/07/26 (金)
Location choice, commuting, and school choice (with Dong Woo Hahm)
Minseon Park (Yale University)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室


Abstract: We explore the impact of public school assignment reforms by building a households’ school choice model with two key features—(1) endogenous residential location choice and (2) opt-out to outside schooling options. Households decide where to live taking into account that locations determine access-to-school—admissions probabilities and commuting distances to schools. Households are heterogeneous both in observed and unobserved characteristics. We estimate the model using administrative data from New York City’s middle school choice system. Variation from a boundary discontinuity design separately identifies preferences for access-to-school from other location amenities. Residential sorting based on access-to-school preference explains 30% of the gap in test scores of schools attended by minority students versus their peers. If households’ residential locations were fixed, a reform that introduces purely lottery-based admissions to schools in lower- and mid-Manhattan would reduce the cross-racial gap by 7%. However, households’ endogenous location choices dampen the effect by half.

2024/06/14 (金)
Network dynamics and propagation in aging society (with Kongphop Wongkaew)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室

要旨:Japan’s economy faces the challenges of demographic aging, with the aging of CEOs being a significant channel. When a CEO cannot find a successor, the firm may be forced to voluntarily exit the market. This study examines the propagation effects of demographic aging by analyzing the correlation between the voluntary exits of firms and their business partners. We hypothesize that the voluntary exit of a firm could lead to the voluntary exit of its business partners, creating a cascading effect throughout the firm network. Using firm-level data and controlling firm characteristics, industry, and year fixed effects, we find a positive and significant correlation between the voluntary exits of owned firms and their business partners. Furthermore, we observe that these effects are more pronounced for firms located in peripheral prefectures, possibly due to lower firm density and diversity, making it harder for firms to find new business partners after the exit of an existing one. This difference between core and peripheral prefectures is particularly strong for linkages between manufacturing firms , which can be attributed to input specificity. Our findings contribute to understanding the impact of demographic aging on firm networks and have implications for industrial policies aimed at maintaining the viability of firms, especially in peripheral areas.