

場所:京都大学経済研究所 本館1階 106 会議室【アクセス】





森知也 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
大澤実 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
町北朋洋 (京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所) [HP]
文世一 (同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科) [HP]

松島格也 (京都大学防災研究所) [HP]
山本和博 (大阪大学大学院経済学研究科)
松尾美和 (神戸大学経済経営研究所) [HP]




2017/06/16 (金)
Spatial scale of agglomeration and dispersion: Theoretical foundations and empirical implications (with T. Akamatsu, T. Mori and Y. Takayama)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:In this paper, we revisit a wide variety of existing economic geography models in a many-region setup, and investigate the spatial scale of agglomeration and dispersion intrinsic to each model. By characterizing spontaneous agglomerations specific to each model in a unified analytical framework, we show that these models reduce to two canonical classes: one with global dispersion force and the other with local dispersion force. Their formal distinction is that the global dispersion force is dependent, while the local one is independent of the distance structure of the model. These classes exhibit two stark differences. First, on the response to transport costs, local dispersion is triggered by lower costs, while global one by higher costs. Second, on the agglomeration pattern, multiple agglomerations emerge and are spread over the regions in the former, while the agglomeration always takes the form of a unimodal regional distribution of mobile agents in the latter. The knowledge of these variations in agglomeration behavior is crucial for empirical analyses of agglomerations. The prevailing reduced-form regressions (e.g. Redding and Turner, 2015, §20.4) typically assume a monotonic relation between interregional transport accessibility and the size of agglomeration in a given region. But, it is not generally the case when agglomerations are endogenous. The well-accepted structural approaches (e.g., Redding and Rossi-Hansberg, 2017, §3) adopt the models of the latter class, which in turn implies a negative correlation between the level of transport costs and the size of agglomeration. But, this correlation is specific to the class of their model, and the estimated impacts would differ (in fact would be opposite) if models of the other class were adopted.
2017/06/16 (金)
The effect of automation on intercity migration
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:With the tremendous progress of technology in recent years, the automation of production is proceeding. Moreover, it is said that the development of artificial intelligence will accelerate production automation in the future. Does automation bring growth or decline of the regions? In order to investigate the problem, this paper constructs a measure which shows how much impact of automation each state has. The measure is used to analyze the effect of automation on interstate migration in the period 2004 - 2015. It is shown that people migrate to a state with more impact of automation. Especially, skilled occupations and some unskilled occupations, which is related to skilled occupations, tend to migrate. These results suggest that automation may accelerate agglomeration of skilled occupations.
2017/05/24 (水)
Environmental policies in city systems
Michael Pflüger(University of Würzburg)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 会議室
要旨:This paper builds on the canonical model of city systems with micro-foundations in terms of input sharing. This model is amended so that the production of local intermediates goes along with emissions in addition to labor. This modification affects the balance between agglomeration economies and crowding costs in favor of the latter. Emissions may have a negative impact on the welfare of consumers locally and globally for the entire city system. National and local governments are assumed to be benevolent and set environmental policies which take the negative effect of emissions on consumers into account. The paper characterizes and compares the social optimum with the allocations under local governments and land developers, allowing for environmental policies to be set either nationally or in decentralized fashion.
2017/05/24 (水)
The impact of a natural disaster on foreign direct investment and vertical linkages (with Toshihiro Okubo)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 会議室
2017/03/24 (金)
Commuting and internet traffic congestion
Marcus Berliant(Washington University in St. Louis)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:We examine the fine microstructure of commuting in a game-theoretic setting with a continuum of commuters. Commuters' home and work locations can be heterogeneous. A commuter transport network is exogenous. Traffic speed is determined by link capacity and by local congestion at a time and place along a link, where local congestion at a time and place is endogenous. The model can be reinterpreted to apply to congestion on the internet. We find sufficient conditions for existence of equilibrium, that multiple equilibria are ubiquitous, and that the welfare properties of morning and evening commute equilibria differ.
2017/03/24 (金)
Time is money: Valuation of changes in commuting distances using georeferenced data (with Wolfgang Dauth)
Peter Haller(Institute for Employment Research (IAB))
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2017/02/03 (金)
Hub connectivity and implications for airport competition
Anming Zhang(British Columbia大学)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2017/02/03 (金)
International hub: congestion pricing and capacity investment
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2016/12/02 (金)
Partition, independence and population geography in Bengal
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:Until Bengal Province in British India was partitioned in 1947, the region was ruled as British India. This study quantitatively explores the changing population geography in Bengal, with a particular focus on the events of 1947 (Partition of India) and 1971 (Independence of Bangladesh). Based on decadal census data from 1901 to 2001 at the district level, this paper examines how trends in regional population growth evolved with such historical events. Following Redding and Sturm (2008), Differences-in-Differences estimation is also employed here and the events of 1947 and 1971 are taken as the subjects of the test. Estimation results show that there were different shocks on both sides and from both events. In West Bengal, the change in the regional population trends occurred in 1947 and remained similar thereafter. On the other hand, in East Bengal, this did not occur in 1947, but did occur in 1971. Further robustness checks show that the impacts were not uniform with respect to the distance from the border. Overall analyses show that the emergence of the international border in Bengal had asymmetric impacts on both sides of the population geography. The results suggest that changes in the population geography reflect the degree of tensions over the border.
2016/12/02 (金)
東日本大震災における出生率への影響 -市区町村単位の実証分析
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室