

場所:京都大学経済研究所 本館1階 106 会議室【アクセス】





森知也 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
大澤実 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
町北朋洋 (京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所) [HP]
文世一 (同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科) [HP]

松島格也 (京都大学防災研究所) [HP]
山本和博 (大阪大学大学院経済学研究科)
松尾美和 (神戸大学経済経営研究所) [HP]




2023/10/27 (金)
Young Women in Cities (with Yumi Koh, Yifan Wu, Junjian Yi and Hanzhe Zhang)
Jing Li (Singapore Management University)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室

要旨:Young women outnumber young men in cities in many countries during periods of economic growth and urbanization. This gender imbalance among young urbanites is more pronounced in larger cities. We use the gradual rollout of special economic zones across China as a quasi-experiment to establish the causal impact of urbanization on gender-differential incentives to migrate. Our analysis suggests that a plausible explanation is rural women’s higher likelihood of marrying and marrying up in cities during rapid urbanization.

2023/09/01 (金)
Optimizing multiple airport charges with endogenous airline quality considering the marginal cost of public funds (with Tatsuhito Kono and Izumo Suzaki)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室
2023/08/25 (金)
Urbanization in France over the last 250 years (with P.-P. Combes, L. Gobillon, C. Gorin and F. Robert-Nicoud)
Gilles Duranton (University of Pennsylvania)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室
2023/08/25 (金)
Workshop on the quantitative endogenous agglomeration models with Gilles Duranton (U Penn, Wharton School)
Gilles Duranton (U Penn), Shota Fujishima (Hitotsubashi U), Yosuke Kogure (Yachiyo Engineering), Tomoya Mori (Kyoto U), Minoru Osawa (Kyoto U), Tatsuya Sugminoto (Yachiyo Engineering), Yuki Takayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室
Workshop on the quantitative endogenous agglomeration models with Gilles Duranton (U Penn, Wharton School) 
このワークショップは、森知也・高山雄貴(東京工業大学)を中心に構築してきた経済集積理論に基づく定量地域経済分析の枠組についての勉強会です。今回は、Gilles Duranton氏 (ペンシルバニア大学ウォートン校)を招き、現状の成果・課題・今後の展望について、我々の研究チームとDuranton氏が議論する形で進めます。報告は、森、大澤実(京都大学)、木暮洋介(八千代エンジニヤリング)を中心に行いますが、高山、杉本達哉(八千代エンジニヤリング)、藤島翔太(一橋大学)が、共同研究者として議論に参加します。


09:30 – 10:00

Tomoya Mori (Kyoto University)

A quantitative framework for endogenous agglomeration models: An overview



10:15 – 12:00

Minoru Osawa (Kyoto University)

A theoretical foundation for endogenous multimodal agglomeration



12:00 – 13:30

Working lunch

13:30 – 15:00

Tomoya Mori (Kyoto University) & Yosuke Kogure (Yachiyo Engineering)

Many-industry & many-region endogenous agglomeration models: Facts, theories, and structural analyses



15:15 – 16:00

Discussion on recent trends of quantitative spatial models



2023/07/14 (金)
The economic dynamics of city structure: Evidence from Hiroshima’s recovery (with K. Takeda)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室

【論文】 【スライド】

要旨:This paper studies the evolution of the spatial distribution of population and employment within a city. We exploit an unusually large shock to city structure: the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which completely destroyed its city center but not its periphery. Newly digitizing spatially granular data, we first document that the city center strongly recovered just about five years after being destroyed. Furthermore, we show that this rebuilding is not well explained by the fundamental locational characteristics of the city center. We then develop and calibrate a novel dynamic urban economics model to further investigate the mechanisms underlying the recovery. Our findings suggest that strong agglomeration economies, together with individuals’ expectations in the recovery, created a strong incentive to reconstruct the city center despite its catastrophic shock.

2023/06/30 (金)
Evolution of aviation network: Global airport connectivity index since 2006 and impact of COVID-19
Anming Zhang(University of British Columbia)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2023/06/30 (金)
Want to avoid delay propagation? Buffer up ground times! (with Jan K. Brueckner and Alberto A. Gaggero)
Achim Czerny(Hong Kong PolyU)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2023/04/21 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催
2023/04/14 (金)
Agglomeration in purely neoclassical and symmetric economies
Marcus Berliant (Washington University in St. Louis)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催


2023/03/24 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催


要旨:Spatial data are characterized by their spatial dependence, which is often complex, non-linear, and difficult to fully capture with a single model. Significant levels of model uncertainty– arising from these characteristics– cannot be resolved by model selection or simple ensemble methods, as performances are not homogeneous. We address this issue by proposing a novel methodology that captures spatially-varying model uncertainty, which we call Bayesian spatial predictive synthesis. Our proposal is defined by specifying a latent factor spatially-varying coefficient model as the synthesis function, which enables model coefficients to vary over the region to achieve flexible spatial model ensembling. We show that our proposal is derived from the theoretically best approximation of the data generating process and that it provides a finite sample theoretical guarantee for its predictive performance, specifically that the predictions are exact minimax. Two MCMC strategies are implemented for full uncertainty quantification, as well as a variational inference strategy for fast point inference. We also extend the estimation strategy for general responses. Through simulation examples and two real data applications, we demonstrate that our proposed Bayesian spatial predictive synthesis outperforms standard spatial models and ensemble methods, and advanced machine learning methods, in terms of predictive accuracy, while maintaining interpretability of the prediction mechanism.