

場所:京都大学経済研究所 本館1階 106 会議室【アクセス】





森知也 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
大澤実 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
町北朋洋 (京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所) [HP]
文世一 (同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科) [HP]

松島格也 (京都大学防災研究所) [HP]
山本和博 (大阪大学大学院経済学研究科)
松尾美和 (神戸大学経済経営研究所) [HP]




2023/03/10 (金)
Demographics, property prices, and credit conditions: Analysis based on panel data from 17 countries over a half-century
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催


要旨:Using panel data from 17 countries with varying economic circumstances from 1974 to 2019, we estimate regression models that explain residential property price dynamics by incorporating demographic factors and considering the interaction of those demographics with credit conditions. Our results show the importance of the demographic factors in modeling the long-run equilibrium of residential property prices. We find that the effect of nominal interest rates determined by monetary policy on asset prices varies depending on the country and the degree of population aging at the time. We also find that the persistently optimistic population projections lead to the oversupply of the residential stock in rapidly aging countries, resulting in stagnant residential property markets.

2023/02/24 (金)
Urban growth and its aggregate implications
Diego Puga (CEMFI)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催


Abstract: We develop an urban growth model where human capital spillovers foster entrepreneurship and learning in heterogeneous cities. Incumbent residents limit city expansion through planning regulations so that commuting and housing costs do not outweigh productivity gains from agglomeration. The model builds on strong microfoundations, matches key regularities at the city and economy-wide levels, and generates novel predictions for which we provide evidence. It can be quantified relying on few parameters, provides a basis to estimate the main ones, and remains transparent regarding its mechanisms. We examine various counterfactuals to assess the effect of cities on economic growth and aggregate output quantitatively.

2023/02/10 (金)
Dynamics of diffusion on social networks: a message-passing approach
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催


要旨:New ideas and technologies adopted by a small number of individuals occasionally spread globally through a complex web of social ties. Here, we present a simple and general approximation method, namely, a message-passing approach, that allows us to describe the diffusion processes on (sparse) random networks in an almost exact manner. We consider two classes of binary-action games where the best pure strategies for individual players are characterized as variants of the threshold rule. We verify that the dynamics of diffusion observed on synthetic networks are accurately replicated by the message-passing equation, whose fixed point corresponds to a Nash equilibrium, while the conventional mean-field method tends to overestimate the size and frequency of diffusion. Generalized cascade conditions under which a global diffusion can occur are also provided. We extend the framework to analyze diffusion of multiple goods.

2023/01/27 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催


要旨:携帯電話位置情報データを用いると、国全体などの広範囲の長距離旅行量とその詳細な時間的な変化をかなり精度よく把握できる。このデータを用いて2015年の北陸新幹線・金沢開業前後で前後1年間の比較をすると、所要時間が短縮された場所の変化だけでなく、新幹線で接続されていない西日本各地から石川県への来訪者の増加も大きくみられることがわかる。本研究では、後者のような空間パターンの変化に着目し、その特徴を解明するために、多時点の居住地-旅行先分布表を分解して、近年に発生した類似の変化を探索的に検出することを試みた。具体的には、都道府県あるいは市区町村単位の居住地・旅行先ペアごとの旅行先選択確率の変化を、対称行列(交通サービス変化による直接的な変化を含む対称な変化)と旅行先ごとに均一な値の入る行列(全国から均一に旅行者数を増やす効果)に分解した。その結果として、(1)居住地-旅行先表の経年変化は2種類の空間パターンでほとんど説明できること、(2) 北陸新幹線開業では後者のパターン変化が大きかったこと、(3)後者の効果は3年以上継続しており短期的な広告効果ではないこと、(4)後者の効果がない新幹線開業地も存在すること、などを明らかにした。

2022/10/28 (金)
Entropy Tucker model: An application to the data-driven appraisal of public transport fare policies
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催

要旨:With the rapid increase in the availability of passive data in the field of transportation, combining machine learning with transportation models has emerged as an important research topic in recent years. This study proposes an entropy Tucker model that integrates (1) a Tucker decomposition technique, i.e., an existing machine learning method, and (2) an entropy maximizing model, i.e., an existing model used for modeling trip distribution in the field of transportation. In addition, an optimization algorithm is presented to empirically identify the proposed model. The proposed model provides a solid theoretical foundation for the machine learning method, substantially improves prediction performance, and provides richer behavioral implications through empirical parameter estimation of travel impedance. We empirically apply the proposed method to evaluate the impacts of changes in the public transport fare structure on the destination choice of public transport users in Hiroshima by using the smart card data collected in Hiroshima, Japan. The estimated values of travel time range from 1.146 to 14.44 JPY/min, which is consistent with that reported in existing studies. The results of scenario analysis with different public transport fare structures suggest that identified changes in trip patterns, revenues, and users’ benefits for the public transport operator are considerably different between the conventional entropy model and the proposed entropy Tucker model. Further, we confirm that the users’ benefits vary based on the time of day. These obtained results confirm the importance of considering the heterogeneous preferences of users in economic appraisals.

2022/08/26 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催


2022/07/01 (金)
Local Shocks and Regional Dynamics in an Aging Economy
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催


要旨:Older people are less mobile than young people are. Population aging thus means more people would be trapped in locations affected by a shock, preventing the economy from smoothing out spatial differences in labor market outcomes. However, the existence of a large share of immobile workers may mitigate their welfare effects by delaying the capital supply adjustment that would be caused by a flow of workers. In order to study how population aging affects the welfare effects of a local shock, this paper develops a dynamic spatial specific-factor model with demographics that change dynamically depending on fertility rates. Individuals decide where to live and whether to work. Their choices vary over the life cycle because the expected working lifetime and fundamentals (e.g., mobility costs) vary with demographic factors. Hence, aggregate labor adjustment depends on the economy’s age structure. Forward-looking landlords accumulate location-specific capital, and the dynamics of labor and capital interact with each other. I apply the model to Japan and find that population aging can mitigate the welfare loss of workers in a location affected by a negative shock.

2022/06/17 (金)
Telework and location theory of company
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催

要旨:This paper theoretically investigates the relationship between costs for telework and the location of firms and households in a city. I extend the model of Ogawa and Fujita (1980) by introducing two types of companies with different technologies; one is teleworking company hiring more teleworkers and the other is an office company hiring more on-site workers. Only on-site workers conduct face-to-face communication with other firms and incur communication costs.  This paper shows that (i) when telework cost decreases, the first teleworking companies appear in either of two candidate locations: the edge of the existing central business districts (called CBD fringe) or the edge of the residential districts (called urban fringe). If face-to-face communication cost is high, and commuting cost and the ratio of labor input for teleworkers in telework companies are low, then the first telework company is located at the CBD fringe;  otherwise at the urban fringe. (ii) When the telework cost further decreases, the number of telework companies, wage, and welfare increase. In contrast, bid rent and city boundaries decrease. Former empirical researches showed different evidence for the location of primary telework companies; one is nearby CBD and the other is in the suburban area. However, this is the first paper to demonstrate both results in a model and to show the difference depends on the several key parameters: face-to-face communication cost, commuting cost, and the ratio of labor input for teleworkers in telework companies.

2022/04/15 (金)
The geography of structural transformation: Effects on inequality and mobility
武田航平(London School of Economics・院)


要旨:Economies transform at an uneven pace: San Jose’s meteoric rise coexists with Detroit’s slow decline. This paper develops a dynamic overlapping generations model of economic geography to explain variation in structural transformation across space and time. In the model, historical exposure to different industries creates persistence in occupational structure, and non-homothetic preferences and differential productivity growth lead to different rates of structural transformation. Despite the heterogeneity across locations, sectors, and time, the model remains tractable and is calibrated to match metropolitan area data for the U.S. economy from 1980 to 2010. The calibration allows us to back out measures of upward mobility and inequality, thereby providing theoretical underpinnings to the Gatsby Curve. The counterfactual analysis shows that structural transformation has substantial effects on mobility: if there were no productivity growth in the service sector, income mobility would be 6 percent higher, and if amenities were equalized across locations, it would rise by 10 percent.

2022/02/18 (金)
  1. 13:30-14:30:「都市集積に関する事実と理論開発の現状・統計予測モデルの応用可能性」森知也(京都大学)

  2. 14:40-16:40:「都市群モデルを用いた構造モデル分析」高山雄貴(金沢大学)

  3. 16:50-18:50:「通勤を含む都心形成モデルを用いた構造モデル分析」高山雄貴(金沢大学)