

場所:京都大学経済研究所 本館1階 106 会議室【アクセス】





森知也 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
大澤実 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
町北朋洋 (京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所) [HP]
文世一 (同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科) [HP]

松島格也 (京都大学防災研究所) [HP]
山本和博 (大阪大学大学院経済学研究科)
松尾美和 (神戸大学経済経営研究所) [HP]




2022/01/07 (金)
On the impact of telecommuting on cities (with S. Kichiko and J.-F. Thisse)

要旨: We study the impact of telecommuting in a monocentric city which produces (i) a tradable consumption good using skilled and unskilled labor and (ii) a non-tradable consumer service provided by unskilled workers at the city center to the skilled workers. Commuting costs are proportional to wages. When the WFH share is low, the skilled reside near the CBD and all workers earn more under WFH. By contrast, a high WFH share lowers both wages and leads the skilled to reside in the suburbs. Telecommuting leads to lower urban costs in the latter case, but not in the former. We then consider two cities that have different productivities. WFH allows skilled workers of the more productive city to reside in the less productive city where housing is cheaper while keeping their job in the more productive city. The flow of this type of inter-city commuters first increases and, then, decreases with the WFH share. Likewise, skilled workers of the less productive city may take a job in the more productive city while keeping their residence in the less productive city. The flow of the second type of inter-city commuters increases with the WFH share. For these commuting patterns to arise, the two employment centers must be connected by a link that allows workers to travel at relatively low costs.

2021/12/10 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催


2021/11/12 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催




馬塲弘樹, 眞木仁, 高野佳佑, 清水千弘. 2021. 所有権移転登記情報からみた不動産市場の流動性—不動産流動統計を用いた分析—. CSIS Discussion Paper, 173.

2021/10/29 (金)
Consumption access and the spatial concentration of economic activity: Evidence from smartphone data
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室/オンライン開催

要旨:Using smartphone data for Japan, we show that non-commuting trips are frequent, more localized than commuting trips, strongly related to the availability of nontraded services, and occur along trip chains. Guided by these empirical findings, we develop a quantitative urban model that incorporates travel to work and travel to consume non-traded services. We use the gravity equation predictions of the model to estimate theoretically-consistent measures of travel access. We show that consumption access makes a substantial contribution to the observed variation in residents and land prices and the observed impact of the opening of a new subway line.

配布資料:論文, 付録

2021/09/24 (金)
The core-periphery model under additively separable preferences(with C. Wang and X. Zhu)

要旨:This paper revisits the core-periphery model of Krugman (1991) when his CES utility is replaced by a general additively separable sub-utility which captures the income effect and allows variable markups. New evolving paths and bifurcation patterns are created by the interaction between the agglomeration force generated by monopolistic competition, increasing returns to scale, trade cost and the dispersion force resulting from the pro-competitive effect. Autarky does not necessarily produce full dispersion and free trade may not correspond to agglomeration. Moreover, the demand parameter of manufactured goods is crucial to determining the firm location.

2021/09/03 (金)
Simple vs optimal: Public transport and shared mobility pricing
Jan-Dirk Schmoecker(京都大学)

要旨:This talk will firstly review observed trends among public transport operators regarding fare polices and discuss that both simplification and “optimisation by differentiation” trends exist. If revenue and demand management optimal fares are desired, also in urban settings distance and route depending fares are increasingly an option due to new data collection technologies. This leads to modelling challenges such “hyperpaths with non-additive costs” which will be discussed in the second part. In the third part then the impact of new transport forms, in particular shared transport and “cheap taxis” is discussed. The competition and collaboration potential will be highlighted. The talk will close with some thoughts on how electrification of the transport system and vehicle to grid services might also impact fares and revenues.

2021/07/16 (金)
Efficient policy with firm heterogeneity and variable markups

要旨:In their model of monopolistic competition with firm heterogeneity and variable markups, Nocco, Ottaviano, and Salto (2014) show firm heterogeneity and markup pricing create distortions at market equilibrium, which can be removed by a first-best policy if a firm-specific per-unit tax/subsidy is available. This study provides an alternative first-best policy without adopting a firm-specific tax/subsidy. The first-best outcome can be decentralized through a uniform ad valorem production tax and a uniform per-unit production subsidy, accompanied by a lump-sum tax on consumers. This indicates that policymakers can design the first-best policy without observing firm private information in terms of productivity.

2021/07/02 (金)
License to drive: The effect of state driver’s licensing laws on the travel of unauthorized immigrants
Andrew Schouten(立命館大学)

要旨:Most metropolitan areas in the U.S. have been developed around the automobile, making driving essential to accessing opportunities.  Despite high rates of driving, some adults do not drive.  A majority of non-drivers face significant barriers to driving, one of which is state driver’s license regulations that deny driving privileges to unauthorized immigrants. However, 15 states and the District of Columbia have adopted laws allowing unauthorized immigrants to acquire driver licenses and, therefore, to legally drive.  In this study, we draw on annual data from the American Community Survey from 2006 to 2018 to examine the relationship between the adoption of state driver’s licensing laws for unauthorized immigrants and changes in automobile commuting and commuting by public transit.  We focus on unauthorized Latinx immigrants in California, the state with the largest percentage of unauthorized residents.  We then test to see whether the effects are similar in other states that have recently adopted comparable driver’s licensing regulations. Many unauthorized immigrants in California have obtained driver’s licenses through Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60) allowing them to drive legally. Our analysis shows that AB 60 had a small positive effect on auto commuting and a small negative effect on transit commuting among unauthorized Latinx immigrants in California but, likely, little or no effect in states outside of California. Combined with its role in reducing hit and run accidents and potentially easing immigrants’ fears of police stops, the evidence suggests that AB 60 has contributed to the enhanced mobility and safety of unauthorized immigrants and their families.

2021/06/11 (金)



Umemoto and Ito, Journal of Computational Social Science, 2018

Umemoto and Ito, Journal of Computational Social Science, 2019


2021/05/14 (金)
Market size, competition, and R&D investment by big and small (with Koichi Futagami, Kunio Konishi, and Tadashi Morita)

要旨:We construct a model in which there are oligopolistic firms that can influence the aggregate market conditions and monopolistic firms which cannot influence the aggregate market. We assume that both types of firms can conduct R&D investments to improve their productivities. When the R&D cost of oligopolistic firms is sufficiently lower than monopolistic firms, oligopolistic firms can survive as big firms, which can manipulate the market, dominate the market and conduct the larger R&D investments. We show that with the increase in the market size, the relative outputs and R&D investments of oligopolistic firms compared to monopolistic firms are raised, and consequently, the survival of big firms becomes easy. We show that there is a subsidy policy that enables the economy to achieve the second-best allocation.