

場所:京都大学経済研究所 本館1階 106 会議室【アクセス】





森知也 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
大澤実 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
町北朋洋 (京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所) [HP]
文世一 (同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科) [HP]

松島格也 (京都大学防災研究所) [HP]
山本和博 (大阪大学大学院経済学研究科)
松尾美和 (神戸大学経済経営研究所) [HP]




2010/11/19 (金)
The effects of transportation costs on productivity and industrial location: an empirical study of Japanese manufacturing industries
京都大学法経総合研究棟8階 リフレッシュルーム
要旨:In this paper, the effects of transportation costs on agglomeration economy and dynamics of industrial location are examined empirically. Combining a spatial demand function derived in the theoretical New Economic Geography (NEG) literature, Krugman (1980), Fujita, Krugman and Venables (1999) and others, with a production function, I propose a revenue production function, which captures the effects of transportation costs on firm's revenue. The suggested revenue production function makes it possible to relate the geographic agglomeration economy with the transportation costs, something not done in previous empirical studies. Two empirical examination of the model with regional panel data of manufacturing sector in Japan are performed. First, I estimate the revenue production function including parameters for transportation costs of each industry. The results show significantly positive transportation costs of the manufacturing products but the transportation costs of the outputs of the primary sector and service sector are not significantly positive. Second, using the first stage results, I estimate the dynamic determinants of industrial location. The results show regional net entry in Japan had been mainly determined by the costs of intermediate inputs (price index) rather than the demand condition and the costs of labor inputs (wage rates).
2010/11/19 (金)
Trade costs, wage difference, and endogenous growth
京都大学法経総合研究棟8階 リフレッシュルーム
要旨:This paper develops an endogenous growth model with two countries in which international trade of differentiated goods requires trade costs and equilibrium wages in two countries are different. If the labor productivity in agriculture sector in the large market country is higher than the small market country, the wage in the large market country is higher than the small market country. In this model there is a case in which the small market country has higher share of number of manufacturing firms than the larger market country and the innovation sector locates in the small market country, since the cost for production of manufacturing sector and innovation sector is higher in the large market country than the small market country. Firstly when trade costs are high, share of number of manufacturing firms in large market country increases as decline in trade costs. But next the share decreases with decline in trade costs when trade costs are low. Finally all firms agglomerate in the small (and lower production cost) country. As innovation sector, if trade costs are very high, it is located in the small market country. If trade costs take intermediate values, it locates in the large market country. If trade costs become very lower, it locates again in the small market country. Growth rate moves non-monotonous as W shaped with reduction in trade costs. Because it is affected by the share of manufacturing firms and the location of innovation sector.
2010/11/12 (金)
Exploring positive externality effects of point-to-point networks: US market learning from the spatial entry patterns of Southwest Airlines
Tae Oum(University of British Columbia)
京都大学法経総合研究棟8階 リフレッシュルーム
2010/10/15 (金)
Is emission trading beneficial? (with Kazuharu Kiyono and Morihiro Yomogida)
京都大学法経総合研究棟8階 リフレッシュルーム
要旨:We develop a two-country (North and South), two-good, general equilibrium model of international trade in goods and explore the effects of domestic and international emission trading under free trade in goods. Emission trading may deteriorate global environment. Whereas domestic emission trading under free trade in goods may result in carbon leakage by expanding South's production of the emission-intensive good, international emission trading may induce North to expand the production of the emission-intensive good by importing emission permits. International emission trading may not benefit both countries.
2010/10/15 (金)
Trade patterns and international technology spillovers: Theory and evidence from patent citations (with Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna)
京都大学法経総合研究棟8階 リフレッシュルーム
要旨:In this paper, we develop a two-country model of monopolistic competition with quality differentiation and examine the relationship between the bilateral trade structure and international technology spillovers. We show that bilateral trade patterns and the extent of technology spillovers will change, depending on the technology gap between two countries. We then test predictions of the model by using bilateral trade data among 44 countries and patent citation data at the U.S., European, and Japanese Patent Offices. We use patent citations as a proxy for spillovers of technological knowledge. Trade patterns are categorized into three types: one-way trade (OWT), horizontal intra-industry trade (HIIT), and vertical intra-industry trade (VIIT). Each of OWT and VIIT is further divided into two sub-categories, based on the direction of trade. We find that intra-industry trade plays a significant role in technology spillovers. In particular, HIIT is associated with larger technology spillovers than VIIT.
2010/09/03 (金)
東京都における地震危険度の変化が地価形成に及ぼす影響について:市場データによるプロスペクト理論の検証(with 齊藤誠・中川雅之・鈴木史馬・顧濤)
京都大学法経総合研究棟2階 201演習室
要旨:本稿は、東京都が 1998年、2003年、2008年に公表した『地震に関する地域危険度測定調査報告書』から得られる地震危険度の相対的な指標と、当該報告書が公表された直後の東京都内の地価公示データを用いながら、地震危険度の変化が相対地価(各時点の平均地価からの乖離率)に及ぼす影響について計測し、以下の結論を得ている。(1)地震危険度が低下する場合と上昇する場合では、地価形成に与える影響は非対称である。(2)安全な地域では、地震危険度が低下して相対地価が上昇する変化率の方が、地震危険度が上昇して相対地価が下落する変化率よりも大きい。(3)危険な地域では、地震危険度が上昇して相対地価が大きく下落する一方、地震危険度の低下については相対地価がほとんど上昇しない。本稿では、プロスペクト理論に沿ってこれらのファインディングを①ゼロリスク指向と②現状維持バイアスの証左として解釈するとともに、その政策インプリケーションを考察している。
2010/09/03 (金)
Tariff policy and transport costs under reciprocal dumping
京都大学法経総合研究棟2階 201演習室
要旨:This paper analyzes tariff competition with strategic interaction among firms which are freely mobile across national boundaries. High transport costs yield a geographic dispersion of industry, whereas sufficiently low transport costs result in a core-periphery location where no one bears tariff burdens. In any cases, the equilibrium of non-cooperative competition must be inefficient. The economy has only to enforce a weak international trade agreement to establish global efficiency.
2010/07/23 (金)
Worst-case bounds of myopic facility location(近視眼的施設配置の俯瞰的評価)
京都大学法経総合研究棟8階 リフレッシュルーム
2010/07/23 (金)
京都大学法経総合研究棟8階 リフレッシュルーム
2010/06/11 (金)
Outsourcing and market thickness: Case of the U.S. credit unions
大野由香子(FRB of Chicago, 一橋大学)
京都大学法経総合研究棟8階 リフレッシュルーム
要旨:In this paper, we examine firms' outsourcing decisions in a framework of buyer-supplier match, in an attempt to understand the mechanism behind an observed positive relationship between outsourcing and market size. By estimating structural parameters, we test to what extent the costs of market transaction could be reduced in thicker markets and therefore increases firms' likelihood to outsource, even after controlling for the effect of scale economy on outsourcing. To do so, we use the data of the U.S. credit unions' decisions of outsourcing data-processing, together with information on matches between credit unions and IT vendors. In our model, credit unions' outsourcing decisions are interrelated, because each credit union's decision affects the degree of scale economy at vendors. We adopt a matching estimator proposed by Fox (2009), which allows us to estimate a matching function without price information. The estimated model allows us to perform a counterfactual analyses to show the effect of market thickness through transaction costs and that through scale economies separately.