Urban Economics Workshop
Venue: Room 106, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
Tomoya Mori (Kyoto University) [HP]
Minoru Osawa (Kyoto University) [HP]
Tomohiro Machikita (Kyoto University) [HP]
Se-il Mun (Doshisha University) [HP]
Kakuya Matsushima (Kyoto University) [HP]
Kazuhiro Yamamoto (Doshisha University) [HP]
Miwa Matsuo (Kobe University) [HP]
Junichi Yamasaki (Kyoto University) [HP]
2006/03/24 Fri
Home bias for intermediate and finished goods: Evidence from East Asia
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:In East Asia, international production/distribution networks have developed and have explosively increased intra-regional trade particularly in intermediate goods. This paper examines whether home bias for intermediate goods gets smaller than that for finished goods in the 1990s. Our findings are summarized as follows. First, differences in location advantages, for which we use differences in per capita GDP as a proxy, are more effectively utilized in intermediate goods transactions. Second, the home bias for intermediate goods has been at the same level as that for finished goods. Particularly in 1995, the home bias in all countries is not smaller for intermediate goods than for finished goods.
2006/03/03 Fri
Geographic concentration of manufacturing industries in Japan: Testing hypotheses of new economic geography
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper investigates the changing geographical pattern of manufacturing industries in Japan between 1985 and 1995 and explores factors of their geographic concentration. A regression analysis is conducted to test some hypotheses that are derived directly from early models of the New Economic Geography (NEG). Regression results indicate that the geographic concentration of Japanese manufacturing industries seems to be determined by some combination of internal economies of scale, transportation costs, and factor intensity. However, inter-industry linkages are found to be an insignificant factor of geographic concentration. As posited by the NEG theories, Japanese manufacturing industries with larger internal economies of scale and smaller unit transportation costs tend to have a higher level of geographic concentration. Japanese manufacturing data also support the Heckscher-Ohlin theory: labor- or capital-intensive industries tend to have a higher level of geographic concentration.
2006/03/03 Fri
中心地理論の新経済地理学モデル(J.-F. Thisseと共著)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2006/02/24 Fri
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2006/02/24 Fri
New economic geography with heterogeneous preferences: An explanation of segregation
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:Tiebout hypothesis (residential choice depends solely on local public goods) is extensively applied to explain geographic segregation. However, Rhode and Strumpf (2003) find that the Tiebout hypothesis is inconsistent with the long-period empirical data, and therefore a non-Tiebout explanation is needed. This paper provides such an explanation based on the new economic geography framework, into which the heterogeneous preferences of mobile workers on private goods instead of public goods are incorporated. Specifically, two types of mobile workers have different preferences on the products of two industries in the manufacturing sector in a symmetric way. The rigorous general equilibrium analysis conducted here shows that the increasing-returns technology and monopolistic competition form a mechanism endogenously leading to persistent residential segregation. There is an evolving path with decreasing transport costs, in which the two types of mobile workers are segregated, while two industries evolve from dispersion to agglomeration.
2006/01/27 Fri
Intergenerational linkages and rconomic geography
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper presents a model of economic geography with overlapping generations. Individuals are assumed to decide their location by considering not only where to sell their products when young but also where to buy others’ products when old. The present generation is thus linked to the past generation by a ‘dynamic’ wage equation and to the future generation by an ‘expected’ price index. Such intergenerational linkages induce a strong dispersion force, i.e., without any conventional dispersion force, a symmetric steady state is stable even in the presence of product diversity. Symmetry breaks when the discount factor is sufficiently small. This implies that once intergenerational linkages are taken into account, consumers care about how many varieties are available at which stage of a life cycle. Specifically, the model illustrates the case in which ex ante identical agents in the same generation may be divided into ‘ants’ and ‘grasshoppers’, i.e., those who earn a higher lifetime income and enjoy greater product diversity when old, and those who earn a lower lifetime income and enjoy greater product diversity when young. Finally, the model also suggests a definition of dynamic efficiency of agglomeration and dispersion.
2005/12/16 Fri
Decentralization and open economies
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:Openness of economy may or may not accelerate decentralization. We setup a new formal model which captures the essence of the nexus of openness and decentralization where interaction between openness and regional disparity is highlighted. We then empirically examine the effects of openness on decentralization, and especially, validate propositions implied by our theoretical analysis.
2005/12/16 Fri
The effects of density and crowding on market entry behavior in geographical space
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This study explores the antecedents of the spatial variation in market entry rates and extends the density dependence model by relaxing its assumption regarding firm heterogeneity. We argue that market entry is an outcome of new entrants' efforts to resolve competition and uncertainty problems, we theorize and demonstrate interrelatedness between organizational density and market crowding. Using panel data from the Tokyo hotel industry, our analysis not only supports the density dependence model and builds on it by demonstrating that new market entry is more likely to occur when market crowding is low and density is high or density is low and crowding is high.
2005/11/25 Fri
Competing for capital when labor is heterogeneous (with J.-F. Thisse)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper investigates the impacts of capital mobility and tax competition in a setting with imperfect matching between firms and workers. The small country always gains and the large country always loses from tax competition, thus implying tax competition leads to redistribution from the large to the small country. However, the large country always attains a higher utility than does the small country. These results imply that our model encapsulates both the "importance of being small" as well as the "importance of being large". We also show that tax harmonization leads to redistribution from the large to the small country.
2005/11/25 Fri
Unemployment, trans-boundary pollution, and environmental policy in a dualistic economy(福山博文と共著)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This study is intended to examine the effects of environmental policies on employment, the use of polluting goods, and the unemployment rate under a model introducing trans-boundary pollution affecting the productivity of the other productive sectors. That model was designed by Copeland and Taylor [5], transformed into a dualistic economy model, as constructed by Harris and Todaro [10]. Results of our analyses show that reinforcement of environmental policy through control of emissions taxes does not necessarily worsen unemployment in the urban area. Therefore, we show that it is no usually proper to maintain that some environmental pollution can not be avoided to establish economic development.