
Urban Economics Workshop

Venue: Room 106, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University




Tomoya Mori (Kyoto University)
Minoru Osawa (Kyoto University) [HP]
Tomohiro Machikita (Kyoto University) [HP]

Se-il Mun (Doshisha University) [HP]

Kakuya Matsushima (Kyoto University) [HP]
Kazuhiro Yamamoto (Osaka University)
Miwa Matsuo (Kobe University) [HP]

2012/10/05 Fri
Agglomeration and directional imbalance of transport costs: the role of density economies
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper examines a conventional assumption of transport costs; any bilateral transport costs are symmetric. Using a comprehensive dataset on transport transactions in Japan, we first describe a directional imbalance of transport costs by transport mode and examine its potential sources such as density economies, long-haul economies, and a directional imbalance of transport flow. Based on the method of instrumental variables, we find that the density economies drive a deviation from symmetric transport costs between prefectures. We then develop a theoretical model of economic geography in which asymmetric transport costs occur in a transport sector for the density economies. Compared with the model without density economies, we show that agglomeration of economic activities is likely to emerge under any ranges of cost parameters. Thus, the economies of density in transport flows act as an agglomeration force.
2012/09/07 Fri
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:In a closed monocentric city with three distinct land use patterns consisting of firms, condominiums and housing lots, we determine simultaneous optimization of regulations on building size, lot size and zonal boundaries under the existence of agglomeration externality in the business district and of traffic congestion externality in the residential zones. Results show that the optimal regulations are at most second best, and require not only downward adjustment to the market size of buildings at outer locations using maximum FAR regulation but also upward adjustment at more central locations using minimum FAR regulation within the business district, and similar regulations in the condominium zone, followed by a cap on the minimum lot size in the suburb. Moreover, the optimal city size is more compact than a market city, but whether the business district size should be compact or greater, depends on the relative level of agglomeration externality and the congestion. In addition, the boundary between condominium zone and housing lot zone does not need to be controlled.
2012/09/07 Fri
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2012/07/27 Fri
Comparative advantage and relative skill premium of regions
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:The U.S. regional data shows that there is observed a tendency that the skill premium in a region is positively correlated with the relative supply of skill in that region, which suggests there exists something beyond the law of supply and demand. Unlike the typical interpretation by urban economists, this paper provides a simple static two-region general equilibrium model of comparative advantage with monopolistic competition, interpreted as skill-biased technical change, in order to explain the fact without relying on technological externality. It is shown that the ex-ante identical regions specialize in industries with different skill intensities as a result of circular causation working through the interaction between comparative advantage and skill-biased technical change, and the associated essentially unique equilibrium exhibits the positive correlation under a certain set of parameters. The model is then extended by introducing a technological externality in order to argue that technological externality itself does not guarantee welfare improvements given the existence of scarce land. More importantly, it is also argued that the economy-wide skill-biased technical change by reducing the benefit from specialization acts as a dispersion force, and thus it could reduce the welfare gain from technological externality.
2012/07/27 Fri
Labor market frictions, agglomeration and regional unemployment disparities
Xi Yang(神戸大学・院)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper examines the relation between regional unemployment disparities and agglomeration in the presence of labor market frictions. It combines a footloose entrepreneur model with Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides matching and screening frictions in the labor market within the differentiated-product sector. Under spatial mobility of entrepreneurs, the local unemployment rate is higher in the region with firm agglomeration because of the impact of sectoral allocation among local workers. Regarding the unemployment rate within the local differentiated sector, however, regional market access matters. Given that the spatial equilibrium might be affected mainly via the forward linkage, agglomeration does not necessarily generate a higher unemployment rate within the differentiated sector. Regional unemployment disparities are magnified when regions are more integrated or when labor market friction increases.
2012/06/01 Fri
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper provides a detailed empirical investigation of the distribution of travel times on an urban road for valuation of travel time variability. Our investigation is premised on the use of a theoretical model with a number of desirable properties. The definition of the value of travel time variability depends on certain properties of the distribution of random travel times that require empirical verification. Applying a range of nonparametric statistical techniques to data giving minute-by-minute travel times for a congested urban road over a period of five months, we show that the standardized travel time is roughly independent of the time of day as required by the theory. Except for the extreme right tail, a stable distribution seems to fit the data well. The travel time distributions on consecutive links seem to share a common stability parameter such that the travel time distribution for a sequence of links is also a stable distribution. The parameters of the travel time distribution for a sequence of links can then be derived analytically from the link level distributions.
2012/06/01 Fri
Transactions as a source of agglomeration economies: Buyer-seller matching in the Japanese manufacturing industry
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper empirically examines whether the geographical proximity of transaction partners improves the firms' profits by using the actual microdata on inter-firm transactions. I model the formation of transaction partners between newly entering firms and existing firms as a two-sided many-to-many matching game with transferable utility and estimate the structural parameters of the model. In the results, I find that the average distance to the transaction partners negatively affects the firms' structural revenues. This strongly suggests that the existence of agglomeration economies results from the inter-firm transactions that occur between geographically close firms. Furthermore, this effect is larger for entrant firms than existing firms.
2012/03/16 Fri
Evaluating benefits of transportation in models of new ceonomic geography
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:When price distortions exist, the cost-benefit analysis must include changes in the deadweight loss in addition to the direct benefits and costs to transport users and non-users. Recent advances in the new economic geography (NEG) have highlighted the importance of price distortions due to imperfect competition. This article reviews recent contributions on the cost-benefit analysis in NEG models, and explores which elements of the models have contributed to different results that have been obtained.
2012/03/16 Fri
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:本研究では、平成の大合併の事例をもとに合併という提携形成を分析した。市町村合併による人口増加は財政サービスに規模の経済をもたらし、収支を改善する。ただし、自分よりも格段に財政力の弱い市町村と合併した場合には、逆に収支が合併前よりも悪化することも考えられる。そこで、3つの市町村が合併するようなプランで、財政データから合併前後での財政改善への貢献度を算出し、それを利得とした提携形成ゲームを構築した。そして、理論で想定される提携の形成を実験により検証した。標準的な協力ゲームの理論では全提携を前提としているが、本研究では部分提携の可能性を考慮するために Hart & Kurz (1983) による提携形成モデルを用いた。このモデルでは各プレイヤーは希望する提携案を同時に提示し、意見の一致した場合には提携が形成され、各提携内では一定のルールで利得が配分される。「仲間はずれ」が発生するかどうかは均衡 (Hart & Kurz (1983)では均衡概念として強ナッシュ均衡 (strong Nash equilibrium) が用いられる) で形成される各提携と実験結果を比較すれば確かめることができる。実験の結果、理論が予想する部分提携よりも全員提携が多く選ばれるという結果を得た。つまり、「仲間はずれ」はあまり起こらず、自分に不利であっても全員を提携に入れることを選ぶ傾向にある。実験結果を統計的に分析すると、多くの場合には各プレイヤーはゲームに習熟するにつれて全員提携を形成しようとするが、優加法性が満たされずかつ他プレイヤーの過去の行動が観察できる場合には理論的予測に近づく傾向が見られる。さらに、優加法性が満たされる場合にはこれらの行動は不平等回避的な選好によって説明可能である。
2012/03/09 Fri
A Dixit-Stiglitz general equilibrium model with oligopolistic markets: When enough is enough (with R. Driskill, and H. Konishi)
John Conley(Vanderbilt University)
京都大学法経済学部東館1階 105演習室