
2009/11/18 (水)
Competitive Pressure and the Adoption of Complementary Innovations
Eugenio J. Miravete 氏(Texas Austin 大学)
経済研究所 会議室
2009/11/13 (金)
Doing well by doing good? Green office buildings
John Quigley(University of California at Berkeley)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper provides the first credible evidence on the economic value of "green buildings" - derived from impersonal market transactions rather than engineering estimates. We analyze clusters of certified green and nearby buildings, establishing that "rated" buildings command substantially higher rents and selling prices than otherwise identical buildings. Variations in premiums are systematically related to energy-saving characteristics. Increased energy efficiency is associated with increased selling prices - beyond the premiums paid for a labeled building. Evidence suggests that the intangible effects of the label itself may also play a role in determining the values of green buildings in the marketplace.
2009/11/13 (金)
Measuring economic localization: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper examines the extent of localization in the Japanese manufacturing industries by utilizing a unique firm-level dataset on geographic locations. Following the point-pattern approach proposed by Duranton and Overman (2005, Review of Economic Studies), we find the following. First, about a half of the Japan's manufacturing sectors are classified as localized and the number of localized industries is the largest for the distance level of 40 km or less. Second, several industries within textile mills products branch are among the most localized, which resembles the results in the UK and suggests the existence of common factors across countries for concentration of industrial activities. Third, the distribution of distances between entrant (exiting) firms and remaining firms is, in most industries, insignificantly different from the case in which they are randomly located. This indicates that most of the industries become neither localized nor dispersed over time.
2009/11/11 (水)
Program Evaluation in Nonseparable Models under Weak Exogeneity Restriction
荒井 洋一(東京大学)
2009/11/04 (水)
Using Grid Distributions to Test for Affiliations in Models of First-Price Auctions with Private Values
Harry Paarsch(University of Melbourne)
2009/10/25 (日)
世界金融危機によるロシアの高成長の終焉:成長モデルは転換されるのか?、ウズベキスタンのROSCAs(回転型貯蓄信用講):ネットワーク・アプローチ 「EUIJ関西」共催
田畑伸一郎 氏(北海道大学、スラブ研究センター)、樋渡雅人 氏(北海道大学、経済学研究科)
総合研究2号館4階 経研451会議室
2009/10/21 (水)
What Happened to Risk Management During the 2008-09 Financial Crisis?"
Michael McAleer(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
2009/10/15 (木)
Sequential Estimation of Dynamic Programming
Hiroyuki Kasahara(University of British Columbia)
経済学研究科部 新棟105演習室


2009/10/07 (水)
Reexamining the waste-income relationship: evidence from Japanese municipal solid wastes 「環境経済学セミナー」共催
山本雅資 氏(富山大学 極東地域研究センター)
経済研究所 会議室
2009/10/07 (水)
L-statistics with weakly dependent data and applications to risk measure estimation
塚原 英敦(成城大学)

The class of distortion risk measures coincides with the set of coherent risk measures that are law invariant and comonotonically additive. The class includes the renowned expected shortfall which has many nice features and is of frequent use in practice.

To implement the risk management/regulatory procedure using risk measures, it is necessary to estimate the values of such risk measures.
For a distortion risk measure, its form suggests a simple L-statisitics as a natural nonparametric estimator.

In this talk, we mainly focus on asymptotic properties of L-statistics when the data is weakly dependent; more precisely, when they are considered to be realizations of strong mixing process. Some moment inequalities, nearly linear bounds on the empirical distribution function, and some limit theorems will be discussed.