要旨:This paper explores how political, social, and economic regime changes affect the lifecycles of manufacturing plants, exploiting Japan’s transition from a feudal regime to a modern regime in the late nineteenth century as a natural experiment. Using plant-level data for 1902, including the foundation year of each plant, we explored how the experience years-size profiles of plants differ before and after the regime change. Plants were found to grow much faster after the regime change, and the acceleration of growth after the regime change was much greater for the plants in exporting industries and industries intensively using steam power. These findings suggest that access to markets and access to modern technologies were the channels through which the regime change affected the experience years-size profile of plants. Furthermore, long-term historical data and narratives on two plants support the results. We also present evidence on how the life-cycle size growth differs across space.
Repeated games with collateralized borrowing
野津 隆臣(京都大学)
日本経済学会2020年度秋季大会 報告練習会
要旨:Pandemic of COVID-19 required to change our lifestyles to contain or mitigate the spread of infectious diseases. Various Non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI) measures have been implemented in the situation that no effective treatment or vaccine has been established. New methods for monitoring the spread of infection have been proposed based on the recent technological and theoretical developments. In this talk, I review basics of mathematical models of infectious diseases and recent topics related with NPIs, and report and discuss some results on the effects of NPIs and the future perspective.
要旨:本研究は定量的空間経済モデル(quantitative spatial economics models)のパラメータを完全情報最尤推定(full information maximum likelihood, FIML)によって推定する新しい手法を提案する。内生変数の観測値から外生的な構造的残差(structural residuals)を一意に求められるモデルに対して、提案手法は適用可能である。構造的残差が確率分布に従うという仮定の下で、対数尤度関数を構築できる。提案手法は操作変数を必要としない。提案手法は、クロスセクションデータとパネルデータの双方に適用可能である。提案手法は、多くの場合において、パラメータの推定値を空間均衡が安定になる範囲に制約すると考えられる。本研究は、提案手法を二種類のデータに対して適用することにより、その有効性を確認する。一つ目は、既知のパラメータを有するモデルから発生させた実験データであり、二つ目は、1975年から2015年にかけての日本国内の観測データである。