“Efficiency in Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma with Private Monitoring,” Journal of Economic Theory 76, 1997, 345-361.
“Private Strategies in Finitely Repeated Games with Imperfect Public Monitoring” (joint with George Mailath and Steven Matthews), Contributions to Theoretical Economics Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2002, ISSN (Online) 1534-5971
“The Maximum Efficient Equilibrium Payoff in the Repeated Prisoners’ Dilemma” (joint with George Mailath and Ichiro Obara), Games and Economic Behavior 40, 2002, 99-122.
“The Folk Theorem for Repeated Games with Observation Costs” (joint with Eiichi Miyagawa and Yasuyuki Miyahara), Journal of Economic Theory 139, 2008, 192-221.
“Finitely Repeated Games with Monitoring Options” (joint with Yasuyuki Miyahara), Journal of Economic Theory 148, 2013, 1929-1952.