2008/07/18 (金)
Central place theory and Zipf's law
Wen-Tai Hsu(University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
大阪大学中之島センター7階 講義室3
要旨:This paper provides a theory of the location of firms and, as cities are groups of firms, the emergence of cities. Using a model of equilibrium entry, this paper provides a microfoundation for central place theory and the conditions under which Zipf’s law for cities emerges. Central place theory describes how a hierarchical city system with different layers of cities serving different sized market areas forms from a uniformly populated space. Zipf’s law for cities, that is, the size distribution of cities following the Pareto distribution with a tail index close to 1, is a robust empirical regularity. In the model, the main force driving the size difference of cities is the tradeoff between transportation cost and scale economies, which differs across goods due to different fixed costs of production. Since a central place hierarchy also implies a hierarchy of firms, Zipf’s law for firms is also approximated. The theory is also consistent with a newly discovered empirical regularity, the number-average-size rule, which is a log-linear relationship between the number of cities and the average size of cities where an industry is located.
2008/07/18 (金)
Allocation of services to multiple airports in a metropolitan area
大阪大学中之島センター7階 講義室3
2008/07/12 (土)
野村 真理 氏(金沢大学)、堀林 巧 氏(金沢大学)、溝端 佐登史 氏(京都大学)
経済研究所 第一共同研究室
2008/07/11 (金)
New economic geography vs. Economics of regional integration: Possible combination in analyzing the Chinese economy
Zhao Wei(Zhejiang University)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:Both the term “regional economic integration” and that the economics of integration developed as a sub-branch of international economics are used lavishly in the case of domestic inter-regional analysis in China currently on one hand. While the new economic geography developed as a framework of spatial analysis is flooding the classrooms of economics at major universities in mainland China, on the other hand. Based on the analysis of the peculiarities of the multi-layered regions and deep governmental involvements in both national economy and regional ones extensively, this paper suggests that a clever choice is to combine the both instruments together in analyzing the inter-regional economic relationship of the Chinese economy, considering its complexities and peculiarities being an economy both in the process of institutional transition and industrialization.
2008/07/11 (金)
Explaining the size distribution of cities: X-treme economies(with Hiroki Watanabe)
Marcus Berliant(Washington University in St. Louis)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:We criticize the theories used to explain the size distribution of cities. They take an empirical fact and work backward to obtain assumptions on primitives. The induced theoretical assumptions on consumer behavior, particularly about their inability to insure against the city-level productivity shocks in the model, are untenable. With either self insurance or insurance markets, and either an arbitrarily small cost of moving or the assumption that consumers do not perfectly observe the shocks to firms' technologies, the agents will never move. Even without these frictions, our analysis yields another equilibrium with insurance where consumers never move. Thus, insurance is a substitute for movement. We propose an alternative class of models, involving extreme risk against which consumers will not insure. Instead, they will move, generating a Frechet distribution of city sizes that is empirically competitive with other models.
2008/07/03 (木)
Carpooling and congestion pricing: HOV and HOT lanes(with Se-il Mun)
小西秀男(Boston College)
京都大学法経総合研究棟1階 105演習室
2008/06/28 (土)
Changes of Corporate Governance and Labour Systems in Transition: A Comparison of Russia and Japan、The Misuse of Institutions: A Political Economy Perspective
Satoshi Mizobata 氏(京都大学)、Leonid Polishchuk 氏(IRIS, The University of Maryland)
経済研究所 第一共同研究室
2008/06/20 (金)
Heterogeneous quality firms and trade costs
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:There is increasing empirical evidence that vertical product differentiation is an important determinant of international trade. However, the economic literature so far has solely focused on the case in which quality trade stems from differences between countries. No studies investigate the role of quality trade between similar economies. This paper first develops a simple theoretical trade model that includes vertical product differentiation in a heterogeneous-firm framework. The model yields three main predictions for trade between similar economies. First, exported goods are of higher quality than goods sold on the domestic market. Second, larger economies have on average higher export qualities compared with smaller economies. Third, with increasing trade costs higher quality goods are exchanged. For all three effects, strong empirical support is found using detailed export trade data of the United States and 15 European Union countries.
2008/06/20 (金)
Congestion externalities and new economic geography
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper aims to address the effects of congestion externalities in a new economic geography context. Our model is the same as the standard CP model except for the assumption that per-unit interregional transport cost depends on total volume of shipped varieties. As a result of the endogeneity of per-unit transport cost, we have some features of agglomeration and dispersion equilibria that are not evident from the standard models. A welfare analysis focuses on a second best problem so that a market still can take a part in generating agglomeration economies. That is, we investigate the relationship between the congestion externalities and the second best unit tax of shipped goods given firm's monopolistic pricing. If skilled workers are nearly agglomerated in one region, the interregional congestion externalities should not be fully internalized regardless of the level of transport technology. In an evenly dispersed economy, however, the second best tax can be larger than the congestion externalities if the level of transport technology is low.