
2009/07/28 (火)
Panels with Nonstationary Multifactor Error Structures
Takashi Yamagata(University of York)
法経済学部東館 8階リフレッシュルーム
2009/07/24 (金)
Trade coefficients and the role of elasticity in a spatial CGE model based on Armington assumption
京都大学法経総合研究棟2階 201演習室
【応用ミクロ経済学ワークショップと共催】 要旨:Armington Assumption in the context of multi-regional CGE models is commonly interpreted that the same commodity with different origins is an imperfect substitute of each other. A static spatial CGE model that is compatible with this assumption and explicitly considers the transport sector and regional price differentials is formulated. It is shown that the trade coefficients, which are derived endogenously from the optimization behaviors of firms and households, take the form of a potential function. To investigate how the elasticity of substitutions affects the equilibrium solutions, a simpler version of the model, which incorporates 3-regions and 2-sector besides the transport sector, is introduced. It is found that (1) if the commodities produced in different regions are perfect substitutes, the regional economies will either be autarkic or completely symmetric, and (2) if they are imperfect substitutes, the impacts of the elasticity on price equilibrium system as well as trade coefficients are nonlinear and sometimes very sensitive.
2009/07/24 (金)
Market for clubs with congestible facilities: Nonlinear-pricing equilibria with entrepreneurial managers
小西秀男(Boston College)
京都大学法経総合研究棟2階 201演習室
【応用ミクロ経済学ワークショップと共催】 要旨:Scotchmer and Wooders (1987) show that efficient clubs are homogeneous when consumers are divisible in Berglas's (1976) anonymous crowding model. However, if consumers are not divisible or if clubs have multiple facilities with economies of scope, mixed clubs are efficient. In such a model, we consider clubs with multiple membership policies for different types of consumers, and show the existence and efficiency of equilibrium with nonlinear policies. We employ entrepreneurial equilibrium, an equilibrium concept with profit-seeking entrepreneurs. In our model, club managers and members of clubs care only about the members' actions, not their types. The equilibrium is efficient in our adverse selection model due to this "anonymity" of crowding effects. Our theorem can be regarded as showing the existence of a core allocation that satis.es envy-free property in the absence of nonanonymous crowding effects.
2009/07/22 (水)
Infereing Strategic Voting
渡辺 安虎(Northwestern University)
2009/07/21 (火)
Offshoring and corporate organizations: evidence from firm-level data
冨浦 英一 氏(横浜国立大学)
経済研究所 会議室
2009/07/18 (土)
ラトヴィア人のホロコースト協力問題について、第3の転機を迎えるロシア語系住民問題? -エストニアとラトヴィアの最近の動きを見る視角、最新ハンガリー金融・経済事情-6月~7月初旬調査報告 
野村眞理 氏(金沢大学)、小森宏美 氏(京都大学)コメント:橋本伸也 氏(関西学院大学)、堀林巧 氏(金沢大学)
経済研究所 北館1階講義室
2009/06/20 (土)
Russian Labour Market under the Global Economic Crises、The Impact of Financial Crises on the Real Economy and on the Labour Market in CEE Countries
林 裕明 氏(島根県立大学)、Karoly Fazekas 氏(Hungary Academy of Sciences)
経済研究所 会議室
2009/06/03 (水)
Partial identification and inference in models of discrete choice with interactions
Marc Henry(Universite de Montreal)
2009/05/31 (日)
International Workshop on “the Global Shock Wave” by KIER and UNC
Steven Rosefielde(UNC), "The World Financial Crisis 2008-09"
経済研究所 北館 1階講義室
2009/05/27 (水)
金谷 太郎(滋賀大学)