2018/09/14 (金)
Cities and roads as pattern formation of their co-evolving dynamics on real-world landscape
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:Cities and roads are the fundamental infrastructures that human society has developed. Their organizations are complex phenomena involved with many natural and social factors: business, commerce, transport, politics, diplomacy, culture, landscape, climate, hydrosphere, natural resources, etc. Geographical landscape appears to be the key factor among them, but most previous modelling studies assumed an ideally homogeneous space because of so-called `for the sake of simplicity'. Here we propose a working hypothesis that co-evolving dynamics of cities and roads defined on the space of geographical landscapes reproduce the outline of real-world spatial patterns of them. To examine this hypothesis, using high resolution digital topographic databases, we evaluate the distance between locations on the natural terrains by least cost path analysis, and define a dynamical system of the cites and roads on the evaluated space, and compare the stationary state of the system with a census. In a preliminary work on Hokkaido region in Japan, we found that the integration of the natural geographical factors leads to the emergence of comparable spatial patterns to the real one, while the model also reproduces the regularly spaced, lattice-like pattern of cities as the same as the previous models on an ideally homogeneous space with a homogeneous city-size distribution. This result indicates that the natural landscape factors have important relevance on the spatial distribution of populations.
2018/09/14 (金)
Regional disintegration in South Asia: Evidence from the end of the British Empire on maritime networks
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:In the early 20th century, the British Empire primarily governed South Asia, and these regions shared similar administrations, institutions and commercial practices. After the Second World War, decolonization in South Asia became evident through the partition of India and countries gaining independence. These subsequent events can be seen as regional disintegration, and they offer a potential scope for examining the impacts of such institutional changes on maritime transport networks. By examining a new database detailing vessel movement between South Asian ports and the rest of the world from 1890 to 2000, we explore how maritime transport networks evolved in South Asia. Specifically, we compare the trends of shipping routes among ports before and after 1947. Applying the methodology developed by Redding, Sturm, and Wolf (2011) and Xu and Itoh (2017), we show that regional disintegration clearly lowered vessel movements for the routes that became international after 1947. Additionally, we examine two points; relationship with UK, and the independence of Bangladesh. For most of the cases, we find significantly negative impacts on vessel movements directly affected by regional disintegration.
2018/07/27 (金)
Agglomeration and industrial upgrading in cities
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper aims to theoretically and empirically investigate the relationship between agglomeration and urban industrial upgrading. If the high-tech industries relied on skilled labor, R&D, and specialized services more intensively, and the major channels of agglomeration economies were labor pooling, knowledge spillovers, and sharing the specialized local services, then urban agglomerations will gain comparative advantage and relatively specialize in the production of high-tech goods. Based on the urban industrial grade index developed in this paper, the association between agglomeration and urban industrial upgrading is confirmed by a panel regression using the data of Japan cities.
2018/07/18 (水)
Empirical Welfare Analysis under Social Interactions
金谷 信 (Aarhus大学)
2018/07/13 (金)
不均衡動学再訪、資本主義の新しい形-経済の中に倫理を見いだす -CAPS研究会 比較経済体制研究会 共催-
若井克人 氏 (国際基督教大学)
経済研究所 会議室
2018/07/11 (水)
A Structural Analysis of Entry Order, Performance, and Geography: The Case of the Convenience-Store Industry in Japan
西田 充邦 (Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)
2018/07/04 (水)
Confidence Intervals for Projections of Partially Identified Parameters
海道 宏明 (Boston大学)
2018/06/27 (水)
冷蔵庫の省エネ効率性に対する主観的割引率と価格プレミアムの推定: ビッグデータを活用した「小売事業者における表示制度」の評価
小西 葉子 (経済産業研究所)
2018/06/24 (日)
中国における地方政府主導の経済発展の変遷、『ロシア語圏市場』(Russosphere)に見られる国家と市場の相克、ロシアにおける政治化された経済システムの住民生活 -比較経済体制研究会 プロジェクト研究主催研究会 共催-
小林拓磨 氏(松山大学)、徳永昌弘 氏(関西大学)、林裕明 氏(立命館大学)
経済研究所 第1共同研究室
2018/06/01 (金)
Labor Share Decline and Intellectual Property Products Capital 共催:応用マクロ経済学セミナー、マクロ経済学研究会
Dongya Koh 氏 (University of Arkansas)
京都大学 法経東館 311演習室