
2024/05/23 (木)
Memorable Events in Financial Markets
Keisuke Teeple (University of Waterloo)
2024/05/17 (金)
Knowledge creation through multimodal communication
Marcus Berliant (Washington University in St.Louis), Masahisa Fujita (Kyoto University)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室


Abstract: Knowledge creation either in isolation or joint with another person, using either face to face or internet contact and incorporating internet search ability is analyzed. Both a conceptual phase and a technical phase of research are analyzed, allowing workers to choose endogenously their mode of communication. In addition to formal knowledge, tacit knowledge plays an essential role in the knowledge production process, as it is not internalized. Lead time for face to face communication plays a key role. The sink point is inefficient. Our framework is applied to pandemic restrictions on face to face communication.

2024/05/17 (金)
Sébastien LECHEVALIER, Professor at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris)
京都大学 経済研究所 北館 1F N101・102
2024/05/16 (木)
関口 格 (京都大学)
岩﨑 康平 (京都大学)
渡辺 誠 (京都大学)

関口 格 (京都大学) “Dynamic vs. Static Coordination Games: Dynamic Equilibrium Structure and Static Risk Dominance”
岩﨑 康平 (京都大学) “Money is the Root of Asset Bubbles”
渡辺 誠 (京都大学) “A model of supply chain finance”

2024/05/09 (木)
高知県観光振興スポーツ部観光政策課 中村公祥 課長
京都大学経済研究所 北館2F N202講義室


2024/05/07 (火)
Evaluating Urban Planning: Evidence from Dar es Salaam (with V. Henderson, F. Libano-Monteiro, M. Manara & T. Regan)
Guy Michaels(London School of Economics)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室


Abstract: Urban informality, which is prevalent in Africa’s rapidly growing cities, can reduce private investments, lower tax bases, and exacerbate urban disamenities. A key policy tool to address this problem is greenfield urban planning where governments purchase cheap agricultural land on the urban fringe and partition it into planned, surveyed, and titled de novo plots, which people can purchase and build houses on. Yet, there is very little systematic evidence on the effects of de novo planning choices, such as the size and configuration of residential and non-residential plots. We study the consequences of such planning decisions in Tanzania’s “20,000 plot” project, which provided over 36,000 residential plots in 12 project areas on the fringes of Dar es Salaam in the early 2000s. We study this project using detailed maps, questionnaires, and satellite imagery, and we combine within-neighborhood analysis and spatial regression discontinuity designs. We find that overall, the project secured property rights and access, thus boosting land values, and attracting highly educated owners; small plots, which command higher land values and are built more intensively, are under-provided; access to main paved roads is prized; and development rates are higher where plot layout is more gridded and small plots are bunched together. But planned non-residential amenities are ignored due to low implementation rates and about half the plots are still unbuilt, suggesting that despite the project’s success, significant improvements are possible.

2024/05/07 (火)
中澤 正彦 輸出入・港湾関連情報処理センター株式会社 専務取締役(元CAPS教員)
矢野 誠 経済研究所特任教授
経済研究所本館4F 第一共同研究室
2024/04/25 (木)
E-Money and Liquidity (with Lukas Altermatt, Louphou Coulibaly, and Randall Wright)
Kohei Iwasaki (Kyoto University)
2024/04/19 (金)
◆ ◆ 6/14に延期なりました ◆ ◆
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 106 会議室