* The list includes publications in journals with AIS>1 (as of posted timing) or the newly launched second-tier journals of the top journals (e.g., AER, Econometrica, JPE, Nature, Science, and PNAS) that are yet to be evaluated by AIS.
Centrality bias in inter-city trade, Regional Science and Urban Economics, forthcoming.
Fully Data-Driven Normalized and Exponentiated Kernel Density Estimator with Hyvärinen Score, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, forthcoming.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Academic Achievement of Elementary and Junior High School Students: Analysis Using Administrative Data from Amagasaki City, Review of Economics of the Household, forthcoming.
Bidding for Contracts under Uncertain Demand: Skewed Bidding and Risk Sharing. The RAND Journal of Economics, forthcoming.
Beware the performance of an algorithm before relying on it: Evidence from a stock price forecasting experiment, Journal of Economic Psychology, 102: 102727.
COVID-19 vaccination, preventive behaviours and pro-social motivation: panel data analysis from Japan, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11: 476.
Demand and welfare analysis in discrete choice models with social interactions. The Review of Economic Studies, 91(2): 748-784.
Strategic limitation of market accessibility: search platform design and welfare. Journal of Economic Theory, 216: 105798.
Endogenous cycles in collateralized credit. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 56(2-3): 627-646.
Surname order and revaccination intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Scientific Reports, 14: 4750.
Debt Overhang and Lack of Lender’s Commitment. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 55(8): 2153-2185.
Optimal minimax rates of specification testing with data-driven bandwidth. Econometric Reviews, 42(6): 487-512.
Gender Differences of the Effect of Vaccination on Perceptions of COVID-19 and Mental Health in Japan. Vaccines, 11(4): 822.
Association between the COVID-19 Vaccine and Preventive Behaviors: Panel Data Analysis from Japan. Vaccines, 11(4): 810.
Marketmaking middlemen. The RAND Journal of Economics, 54(1): 83-103.
Pioneer, early follower or late entrant: Entry dynamics with learning and market competition. European Economic Review, 152: 104360.
Multistage Information Transmission with Voluntary Monetary Transfers. Theoretical Economics, 18(1): 267-301.
Deep and shallow thinking in the long run. Theoretical Economics, 17(4): 1501-1527.
Rational bubbles and middlemen. Theoretical Economics, 17(4): 1559-1587.
Asset Bubbles, Unemployment, and Financial Market Frictions. Economic Inquiry, 60(4): 1806-1832.
Understanding International Differences in the Skill Premium: the Role of Capital Taxes and Transfers. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 143: 104511.
Perturbed cusp catastrophe in a population game: Spatial economics with locational asymmetries. Journal of Regional Science, 62(4): 961-980.
Implied Ambiguity: Mean-Variance Inefficiency and Pricing Errors. Management Science, 68(6): 4246–4260.
Signaling under Double-Crossing Preferences. Econometrica, 90(3): 1225-1260.
Optimal Minimax Rates against Non-smooth Alternatives. The Econometrics Journal, 25(2): 322–339.
Geographic diversity in economic publishing. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 190: 255-262.
Reputation Concerns in Risky Experimentation. Journal of the European Economic Association, 19(4): 1981-2021.
A model of collateral: endogenizing the borrowing constraint. International Economic Review, 62(3): 1131-1151.
Corrigendum to maximality in the farsighted stable set. Econometrica, 89(4): 18-20.
Conventions under heterogeneous behavioral rules. The Review of Economic Studies, 88(4): 2094-2118.
A War of Attrition with Experimenting Players. Journal of Industrial Economics, 69(2): 239-269.
The Spending and Consumption Response to a VAT Rate Increase. National Tax Journal, 74(2): 313-346.
Multiproduct intermediaries. Journal of Political Economy, 129(2): 421-464.
Model-based analysis on social acceptability and feasibility of a focused protection strategy against the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Reports, 11: 2003.
Evolution and Rawlsian social choice in matching. Games and Economic Behavior, 123: 68-80.
Time-Varying Wage Risk, Incomplete Markets, and Business Cycles. Review of Economic Dynamics, 37: 195-213.
Equilibrium refinement for a model of non-monocentric internal structures of cities: A potential game approach. Journal of Economic Theory, 187: 105025.
Common power laws for cities and spatial fractal structures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(12): 6469-6475.
Credit Default Swaps and Market Information. Journal of Financial Markets, 48: 100498.
The Effectiveness of Consumption Taxes and Transfers as Insurance against Idiosyncratic Risk. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 52(2-3): 505-530.
Dynamic Contract and Discretionary Termination Policy under Loss Aversion. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 111: 103794.
Fighting Bundles: The Effects of Competition on Second Degree Price Discrimination. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 12(1): 156-187.
Collaboration leads to cooperation on sparse networks. PLOS – Computational Biology: 1007557.
Agency, potential and contagion. Games and Economic Behavior, 119: 79-97.
Grantbacks, Territorial Restraints, and Innovation. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 67: 102534.
Watercooler chat, organizational structure and corporate culture. Games and Economic Behavior, 118: 354-365.
Banking crises and liquidity in a monetary economy. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 108: 103724.
Risk attitudes and risk dominance in the long run. Games and Economic Behavior, 116: 179-184.
Estimating the Impacts of Program Benefits: Using Instrumental Variables with Underreported and Imputed Data. Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(3): 468-475.
Current Account Dynamics under Information Rigidity and Imperfect Capital Mobility. Journal of International Money and Finance, 92: 153-176.
First-best dynamic assignment of commuters with endogenous heterogeneities in a corridor network. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 117: 811–831.
Hierarchical Experimentation. Journal of Economic Theory, 177: 365-404.
Strategic Design under Uncertain Evaluations: Structural Analysis of Design-Build Auctions. The RAND Journal of Economics, 49(3): 594-618.
Conventional contracts, intentional behavior and logit choice: equality without symmetry. Games and Economic Behavior, 110: 273-294.
Dynamic Performance Evaluation with Deadlines: The Role of Commitment. Journal of Industrial Economics, 66(2): 377-422.
Unemployment, Nonstandard Employment, and Fertility: Insights From Japan’s “Lost 20 Years”. Demography, 54(6): 2301–2329.
Convergence rates of sums of α-mixing triangular arrays: With an application to nonparametric drift function estimation of continuous-time processes. Econometric Theory, 33(5): 1121-1153.
Uniform convergence rates of kernel-based nonparametric estimators for continuous time diffusion processes: A damping function approach. Econometric Theory, 33(4): 874-914.
Favorite-Longshot Bias in Parimutuel Betting: an Evolutionary Explanation. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 140: 56-69.
Are university admissions academically fair?. Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(3): 449-464.
Shared intentions: the evolution of collaboration. Games and Economic Behavior, 104: 517-534.
Harris and Wilson (1978) model revisited: The spatial period-doubling bifurcation in an urban retail model. Journal of Regional Science, 57(3): 442–466.
State Dependency in Price and Wage Setting. International Journal of Central Banking, 13(1): 151-189.
Optimal Sharing Rules in Repeated Partnerships. Journal of Economic Theory, 166: 311-323.
Asset Bubbles, Economic Growth, and a Self-fulfilling Financial Crisis. Journal of Monetary Economics, 82: 70-84.
A Non-cooperative Bargaining Theory with Incomplete Information: Verifiable Types. Journal of Economic Theory, 163: 318-341.
Generalized Least Squares Model Averaging. Econometric Reviews, 35(8-10): 1692–1752.
Collateral Constraints and the Current Account: Theory and Evidence. Economic Inquiry, 54(1): 633-651.
Careerist Experts and Political Incorrectness. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 120: 1-18.
Optimal Taxation and Debt with Uninsurable Risks to Human Capital Accumulation. American Economic Review, 105(11): 3443-3470.
On the spatial scale of industrial agglomerations. Journal of Urban Economics, 89: 1-20.
Conformism and Structural Change. International Economic Review, 56(3): 939-961.
Taxing Capital is a Good Idea: The Role of Idiosyncratic Risk in an OLG Model. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 52: 258-269.
Investment timing decisions of managers under endogenous contracts. Journal of Corporate Finance, 29: 607-627.
A probabilistic modeling approach to the detection of industrial agglomerations. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(3): 547-588.
Heterogeneity and Aggregation: Implications for Labor-Market Fluctuations: Comment. American Economic Review, 104(4): 1446-1460.
Global liquidity trap. Journal of Monetary Economics, 60(8): 936-949.
Heteroscedasticity-Robust Cp Model Averaging. The Econometrics Journal, 16(3): 463-472.
Managerial Incentives and the Role of Advisors in the Continuous-Time Agency Model. The Review of Financial Studies, 26(10): 2620-2647.
Finitely Repeated Games with Monitoring Options. Journal of Economic Theory, 148(5): 1929-1952.
Trade Structure and Belief-Driven Fluctuations in a Global Economy. Journal of International Economics, 90(2): 414-424.
The Binarized Scoring Rule. The Review of Economic Studies, 80(3): 984-1001.
Uninsured CounterCyclical Risk: An Aggregation Result and Application to Optimal Monetary Policy. Journal of the European Economic Association, 10(6): 1450-1474.
Name Your Own Price at Priceline.com: Strategic Bidding and Lockout Periods. The Review of Economic Studies, 79(4): 1341-1369.
Nonrecourse financing and securitization. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 21(4): 659-693.
Equally-Distributed Equivalent Utility, Ex Post Egalitarianism and Utilitarianism. Journal of Economic Theory, 147(4): 1545-1571.
Increasing returns in transportation and the formation of hubs. Journal of Economic Geography, 12(4): 877-897.
Hahn-Hausman Test as a Specification Test. Journal of Econometrics, 167(1): 133-139.
Doubly Robust Instrumental Variables Regression. Statistica Sinica, 22(1): 173-205.
A Consistent Nonparametric Test for Nonlinear Causality. Journal of Econometrics, 165(1): 112-127.
Instrumental Variable Estimation in the Presence of Many Moment Conditions. Journal of Econometrics, 165(1): 70-86.
Optimal Pricing and Quality Choice of a Monopolist under Knightian Uncertainty. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(6): 746-754.
An industrial agglomeration approach to central place and city size regularities. Journal of Regional Science, 51(4): 694-731.
A Dynamic Analysis of Conflict and Appropriation. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 78(1-2): 167-182.
Offshore outsourcing decision and capital intensity: Firm-level relationship. Economic Inquiry, 49(2): 364–378.
Risk and Uncertainty in Health Investment. The European Journal of Health Economics, 12(1): 79-85.
Effects of background risks on cautiousness with an application to a portfolio choice problem. Journal of Economic Theory, 146(1): 346-358.
Generalized Utilitarianism and Harsanyi’s Impartial Observer Theorem. Econometrica, 78(6): 1939-1971.
Asymptotically Unbiased Estimation of Autocovariances and Autocorrelations with Long Panel Data. Econometric Theory, 26(5): 1263-1304.
Optimal monetary policy with imperfect unemployment insurance. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 34(3): 365-387.
Constructing Optimal Instruments by First-Stage Prediction Averaging. Econometrica, 78(2): 697-718.
Time Patience and Specialization Patterns in the Presence of Asset Trade. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 42(1): 93-112.
Optimal timing of management turnover under agency problems. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(12): 1962-1980.
The Optimal Choice of Moments in Dynamic Panel Data Models. Journal of Econometrics, 151(1): 1-16.
Endogenous Inequality and Fluctuations in a Two-Country Model. Journal of Economic Theory, 144(4): 1560.1571.
The Effects of Stronger Intellectual Property Rights on Technology Transfer: Evidence from Japanese Firm-level Data. Journal of Technology Transfer, 34(2): 145-158.
Non-concavity problems in the dynamic macroeconomic models: A note. Journal of Banking & Finance, 33(3): 568-572.
The Overlapping generations model with habit formation: a comment. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32(12): 4016-4017.
A Puzzling Phenomenon in Semiparametric Estimators with Infinite Dimensional Nuisance Parameters. Econometric Theory, 24(6): 1717-1728.
OLS estimation and the t test revisited in rank-size rule regression. Journal of Regional Science, 48(4): 691-716.
Motivation of Japanese companies to take environmental action to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions: an econometric analysis. Sustainability Science, 3(1): 145-154.
Nonparametric Methods of Estimating Integrated multivariate Volatilities. Econometric Reviews, 27(1-3): 112-138.
The Folk Theorem for Repeated Games with Observation Costs. Journal of Economic Theory, 139(1): 192-221.
Computing the Distributions of Economic Models via Simulation. Econometrica, 76(2): 443-450.
The Number-Average Size Rule: a new empirical relationship between industrial location and city size. Journal of Regional Science, 48(1): 165-211.
Representative consumer’s risk aversion and efficient risk-sharing rules. Journal of Economic Theory, 137(1): 652-672.
What Factors Determine the Mode of Overseas R&D by Multinationals? Empirical Evidence. Research Policy, 36(8): 1275-1287.
Stochastic Optimal Growth when the Discount Rate Vanishes. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(4): 1416-1430.
The Engel Curve for Alcohol and the Rank of Demand Systems. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21(7): 1019-1038.
On exponential hedging and related quadratic backward stochastic differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 54(2): 131-158.
Globalization and the Evolution of the Supply Chain: Who Gains and Who Loses?. International Economic Review, 47(3): 811-836.
Reputation and Turnover. The RAND Journal of Economics, 37(2): 341-361.
Agreeable Bets with Multiple Priors. Journal of Economic Theory, 128(1): 299-305.
Unemployment and indeterminacy. Journal of Economic Theory, 126(1): 314-327.
Credit Constraints and the Current Account: A Test for the Japanese Economy. Journal of International Money and Finance, 24(8): 1261-1277.
A divergence statistic for industrial localization. Review of Economics and Statistics, 87(4): 635-651.
Capital Accumulation Games with a Non-Concave Production Function. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 57(4): 408-420.
A business cycle model with variable capacity utilization and demand disturbances. European Economic Review, 49(5): 1331-1360.
Stability of Stochastic Optimal Growth Models: a New Approach. Journal of Economic Theory, 122(1): 100-118.
The Bootstrap and the Edgeworth Correction for Semiparametric Averaged Derivatives. Econometrica, 73(3): 903-948.
Existence of equilibria in economies with bads. Econometrica, 73(2): 647-658.
Intertemporal Complementarity and Optimality: A Study of a Two-Dimensional Dynamical System. International Economic Review, 46(1): 93-131.
Skills, agglomeration, and segmentation. European Economic Review, 49(1): 201-225.
Money and prices under uncertainty. The Review of Economic Studies, 72(1): 223-246.
Stock options and employees’ firm-specific human capital under the threat of divestitures and acquisitions. Journal of Corporate Finance, 10(4): 615-638.
* The list includes publications in journals with AIS>1 (as of posted timing) or the newly launched second-tier journals of the top journals (e.g., AER, Econometrica, JPE, Nature, Science, and PNAS) that are yet to be evaluated by AIS.