
2013/05/30 Thu
Doing economics and economic policy advice in a middle income trap economy in Europe -比較経済体制研究会共催-
Karoly Fazekas氏(ハンガリー科学アカデミー)
経済研究所 第一共同研究室
2013/05/29 Wed
Power Analysis for Factor Loading Structural Change Tests under Common Breaks
山本 庸平 (一橋大学)
第一共同研究室 (4F北側)

 Factor loading structural change tests proposed by Breitung and Eickmeier (2011) exhibit nonmonotonic power when a portion of the factor loadings have structural changes occuring at common dates. To investigate this phenomenon, we develop spurious factor representations of the factor model with m common breaks. We show that, under a local alternative asymptotic framework in which the magnitudes of breaks shrink at rate max{N,T}^(1/2), the original factor space is consistently estimated and the tests have power. However, if we apply the fixed alternative asymptotic framework in which the break magnitudes are fixed, then the common breaks in the factor loadings are considered as spurious factors with time invariant loadings, hence the tests lose power. Monte Carlo simulations clearly illustrate these findings. This paper casts a new light on the well known nonmonotonic power problem in structural change testing since it now occurs by identification failure between the common factors and the factor loadings. Furthermore, none of the SupWald, the SupLR, and the SupLM structural change tests can avoid this problem.

2013/05/17 Fri
Can urban pollution shrink rural districts? (with Tatsuya Omori)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper presents analyses of how the externality of environmental damage affects the equilibrium properties of a simple overlapping generations model with multiple regions. Simulation results show that the government's environmental policy decreases capital accumulation. When the government imposes an environmental tax on the urban sector, such a policy decreases the urban population ratio to the rural but increases the total fertility rate.
2013/05/17 Fri
History versus expectation revisited with small uncertainty
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This study considers a small parametric uncertainty of migration cost in a rational expectation two region model with increasing returns to scale and migration cost of each period increases in number of migrants. When the stochastic parameter follows a Brownian motion in continuous time with minute variance, imitative equilibrium belief in which behavior of the stochastic model approximately coincides the deterministic model, is uniquely determined dependent on given state variables; then indeterminacy of equilibria of deterministic model diminishes. However, this result critically depends on the assumption of Brownian motion and it does not hold when we suppose different stochastic process without either of two important characteristics of Brownian motion: infinite length of sample path and continuity.
2013/04/17 Wed
Derving Information Bounds for Nonlinear Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects When Both N and T are Large
岩倉 相雄 (京都大学・院)
第一共同研究室 (4F北側)
2013/03/13 Wed
Decomposition of Supply and Demand Shock in Production Function Using Current Survey of Production
小西 葉子 (経済産業研究所)
京都大学 総合研究2号館 4階 460室 セミナー室1
2013/03/13 Wed
Quarrelsome Families: A Realist Interpretation of EU Supranationality -比較経済体制研究会共催-
Steven Rosefielde 氏(The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
2013/03/08 Fri
A scale-free transportation network explains the city-size distribution (with Hiroki Watanabe)
Marcus Berliant(Washington University in St.Louis)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2013/03/08 Fri
Spatial frictions (with Kristian Behrens, Giordano Mion, Jens Suedekum)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2013/02/27 Wed
大屋 幸輔 (大阪大学)
京都大学 総合研究2号館 4階 460室 セミナー室1