

場所:京都大学経済研究所 本館1階 106 会議室【アクセス】





森知也 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
大澤実 (京都大学経済研究所) [HP]
町北朋洋 (京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所) [HP]
文世一 (同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科) [HP]

松島格也 (京都大学防災研究所) [HP]
山本和博 (大阪大学大学院経済学研究科)
松尾美和 (神戸大学経済経営研究所) [HP]




2006/10/06 (金)
Is the regulation of the transport sector always detrimental to consumers?
Jacques Thisse(CORE・京都大学)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:The aim of this paper is to qualify the claim that regulating a competitive transport sector is always detrimental to consumers. We show indeed that, although transport deregulation is beneficial to consumers as long as the location of economic activity is fixed, this is no longer true when, in the long run, firms and workers are freely mobile. The reason is that the static gains due to less monopoly power in the transport sector may well map into dynamic dead-weight losses because deregulation of the transport sector leads to more inefficient agglomeration. This latter change may, quite surprisingly, increase consumer prices in some regions, despite a more competitive transport sector. Transport deregulation is shown to map into aggregate consumer welfare losses and more inequality among consumers in the long run.
2006/10/06 (金)
Economic development and migration process
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2006/09/15 (金)
Flypaper effect and spatial interdependencies in Japanese local public finances
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:特に地方公共経済学において相互依存効果をモデルで定式化した実証研究は少ない。これは空間的影響が重要ではないからというよりも、モデル化や推定方法についての技術的困難さによると思われる。本研究では空間自己相関モデルを応用し、特に隣接市町村から受ける影響について人口比をコントロールした上でモデルに取り入れた。このマクロ・ミクロフライペーパー効果の計量モデルを昭和54年度~平成9年度の宮城県市町村の財政データから最尤法により推定したものである。 分析結果としては、まず当該期間の宮城県の市町村財政において、マクロフライペーパー効果といくつかの支出項目についてのミクロフライペーパー効果が存在していること、そして残差の空間自己相関の検討から本論文のモデルは支出行動における空間的影響を十分に説明していることが分かった。重要な結果は次の3点である。 1.ある市町村の支出の各項目は周辺で相対人口の大きい市町村の支出から影響を受けやすい場合が多い。 2.多くの支出項目額は周辺市町村の対応する支出項目額と正の相関関係にある。つまり、デモンストレーション効果の存在が示唆される。 3.空間的影響の無視によるフライペーパー効果のバイアスが存在する。
2006/09/15 (金)
Effects of border change in new economic geography: A case of postwar Japan
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2006/07/14 (金)
New economic geography vs. Economics of regional integration: Possible combination in analyzing the Chinese economy in transition
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:Both terms of regional integration and the economics of integration developed in international economics are used lavishly in the case of domestic inter-regional analysis in China whiles the new economic geography is flooding the classrooms of economics at almost all major universities in mainland China. Based on the analysis of the peculiarities of the multi-layered regions and deep governmental involvements in economies, author of this paper suggested that the clever choice is to combine the both theories together in analyzing the inter-regional economies of China, as it is very complicated.
2006/07/14 (金)
山本大策(Central Michigan University)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2006/07/07 (金)
Make trade not war?
Thierry Mayer(University of Paris-Sud)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper analyzes theoretically and empirically the relationship between military conflicts and trade. We show that the intuition that trade promotes peace is only partially true even in a model where trade is beneficial to all, military conflicts reduce trade and leaders take into account the benefits of peace. When war can occur because of the presence of asymmetric information, the probability of escalation is lower for countries that trade more bilaterally because of the opportunity cost associated with the loss of trade gains. However, countries more open to global trade have a higher probability of war because multilateral trade openness decreases bilateral dependence to any given country. We test our predictions on a large data set of military conflicts on the 1950-2000 period. Using different strategies to solve the endogeneity issues, including instrumental variables, we find robust evidence for the contrasting effects of bilateral and multilateral trade openness.
2006/07/07 (金)
Spatial wage disparities: sorting matters!
Pierre-Philippe Combes(GREQAM, University of Aix Marseille)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:Spatial wage disparities can result from spatial differences in the skill composition of the workforce, in non-human endowments, and in local interactions. To distinguish between these explanations, we estimate a model of wage determination across local labour markets using a very large panel of French workers. We control for worker characteristics, worker fixed effects, industry fixed effects, and the characteristics of the local labour market. Our findings suggest that individual skills account for a large fraction of existing spatial wage disparities with strong evidence of spatial sorting by skills. Interaction effects are mostly driven by the local density of employment. Not controlling for worker heterogeneity leads to very biased estimates of interaction effects. Endowments only appear to play a small role.
2006/05/26 (金)
Economic development capitalizing on brand agriculture: turning the development strategy on its head
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:Challenging the common literature of economic growth and development that tends to assign the agrarian sector the backseat, Fujita's paper seeks to move agriculture and rural development to the forefront through a community- based strategy to cause major innovation dynamics and human capital accumulation to occur. From the viewpoint of spatial economics and endogenous growth theory, this paper considers One Village One Product Movement and Michino Eki initiatives in Japan as rural development strategies of a broader nature based on "brand agriculture," with special attention given to the role of various types of infrastructure. Both initiatives have attracted widespread attention in many developing countries as potential tools for bridging the gap between cities and rural areas. The paper concludes with a discussion for successful promotion and implementation of brand agriculture programs in developing countries.
2006/05/26 (金)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室