
Urban Economics Workshop

Venue: Room 106, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University




Tomoya Mori (Kyoto University) [HP]
Minoru Osawa (Kyoto University) [HP]
Tomohiro Machikita (Kyoto University) [HP]

Se-il Mun (Doshisha University) [HP]

Kakuya Matsushima (Kyoto University) [HP]
Kazuhiro Yamamoto (Doshisha University) [HP]
Miwa Matsuo (Kobe University) [HP]

Junichi Yamasaki (Kyoto University) [HP]

2018/07/27 Fri
Agglomeration and industrial upgrading in cities
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper aims to theoretically and empirically investigate the relationship between agglomeration and urban industrial upgrading. If the high-tech industries relied on skilled labor, R&D, and specialized services more intensively, and the major channels of agglomeration economies were labor pooling, knowledge spillovers, and sharing the specialized local services, then urban agglomerations will gain comparative advantage and relatively specialize in the production of high-tech goods. Based on the urban industrial grade index developed in this paper, the association between agglomeration and urban industrial upgrading is confirmed by a panel regression using the data of Japan cities.
2018/05/24 Thu
Delineating metropolitan areas with building density (with Marie-Pierre de Bellefon, Pierre-Philippe Combes, and Laurent Gobillon)
Gilles Duranton(University of Pennsylvania)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2018/05/24 Thu
Spatial income inequality, spatial frictions, and endogenous occupation choice
笹原彰(University of Idaho)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:I propose a model with multiple cities that allows inter-city interactions through costly trade, internal migrations, and firm relocation. The model features multiple sectors, heterogeneous firms, and heterogeneous workers. The comparative statics of the model focuses on three shocks: falling transport costs, declining education costs, and increasing high-skill intensities. I show that: (1) there is a non-monotonic relationship between transport costs and the spatial income inequality; (2) a structural transformation triggered by declining education costs reduces the inequality, (3) the one due to a skill-biased technological change, however, predicts the opposite. The theoretical predictions are confirmed by a panel regression using the data from 32 countries with 1,962 regions.
2018/03/16 Fri
Agglomeration, networking and organizational capability in academic research
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2018/03/16 Fri
Returns from collaboration in knowledge creation (joint with Tomoya Mori and Shosei Sakaguchi)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:This paper shows evidence for a microeconomic mechanism of collaborative knowledge creation proposed by Berliant and Fujita (2008) using the panel data of patent development in Japan. Researchers communicate via common knowledge, and innovate by utilizing differentiated knowledge of each other. A longer duration of collaboration between a pair of researchers increases their common knowledge which at the same time accumulates differentiated knowledge between them and the rest of the researchers. Facing polyadic interactions, individual researchers collectively determine the set of collaborators to interact, and hence the fraction of time a researcher spends with each of her collaborators, so as to optimize the composition of common and differentiated knowledge between a given researcher and each of her collaborators. We also show additional evidence for creative destruction, positive influence of local spillovers as well as transport accessibility.
2018/02/16 Fri
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2018/02/16 Fri
Conflict between human and wildlife in a city: spatial efficiency of land use
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2017/12/06 Wed
Educational choice, rural-urban migration and economic development
Ping Wang(Washington University in St. Louis)
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
要旨:Observing rapid structural transformation accompanied by a continual process of rural to urban migration in many developing countries, we construct a micro founded dynamic framework to explore how important education-based migration is, as opposed to work-based migration, for economic development, urbanization and city workforce composition. We then calibrate our model to fit the data from China over the period from 1980 to 2007, a developing economy featuring not only large migration flows but major institutional reforms that may affect work and education based migration differently. We find that, although education-based migration only amounts to one-fifth of that of work-based migration, its contribution to the enhancement of per capita output is larger than that of work-based migration. Moreover, the abolishment of the government job assignment for college graduates and the relaxation of the work-based migration have limited effects on economic development and urbanization. Furthermore, the increase in college admission selectivity for rural students plays a crucial but negative role in China's development, lowering per capita output and worsening the high-skilled employment share in urban areas.
2017/11/17 Fri
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室
2017/11/17 Fri
A macroscopic approach for optimizing road space allocation of bus lanes in multimodal urban networks through simulation analysis
京都大学経済研究所本館1階 第二共同研究室