
Satoshi Mizobata
Satoshi Mizobata
Specially-appointed professor, Emeritus
Comparative Economics
School of Economics, Doctor Course, Kyoto University
Other affiliations

About my research

I engage on international comparative research on economic systems and economic institutions, emerging market economies and transition economics. In particular, I examine economic systems in Russia and Europe from the angle of corporate governance and corporate system. I clarify specificities and path-dependence of economic institutional change and analysis state-led capitalist economic systems theoretically. I empirically examine the state-led model and identify the mechanisms through which it is reproduced. In recent years, I have challenged emerging multinationals, the relationship between economic sanctions and the global economy, and social capital for the creation of new approaches in comparative economics.

Selected publications


“Ownership Dynamics and Firm Performance in an Emerging Economy: A Meta-Analysis of the Russian Literature” (with I.Iwasaki and A. Muravyev), Post-Communist Economies, Vol.30, Issue 3, 290-333, 2018, CPCE-2017-0099


“Evolution of Russian Corporate Governance”, The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, Vol.1, No.1, May 2005, “Ownership structure and firm performance in emerging markets: A comparative meta-analysis of East European EU member states, Russia and China” (with I. Iwasaki and X. Ma), Economic Systems, Volume 46, Issue 2, June 2022


“Post‐Privatization Ownership and Firm Performance: A Large Meta‐Analysis of the Transition Literature” (with I.Iwasaki) Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Vol.89, Issue.2, June 2018, pp.263-322


“Corporate Ownership and Managerial Turnover in China and Eastern Europe: A Comparative Meta-Analysis” (with I. Iwasaki and X. Ma), The Journal of Economics and Business, 2020 Available online 2 July 2020, 105928 資本主義システムとグローバル化に関する研究成果


“Market transition without an accompanying industrial revolution: A reexamination,” (with H. Hayashi) Annals of Corporate Governance, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2019.


“Board generational diversity in emerging markets” (with I.Iwasaki and X.Ma), Emergfing Markets Review, Vol 55, June 2023,

Main Editorial Books


Russian Economy and Management System, Houritsubunka, 1996.


This analysis of the Soviet-Russian economic system from an institutional perspective examines the function of institutional evolution and inertia, and reveals that regime change is specific.


Economics of State-led Capitalism, Bunshindo, 2022


It scrutinises the role of the state from a comparative economic perspective and presents a state-led capitalist model. It then analyses the diversity and sustainability of the system concerned.


“State Capitalism in Russia” (with H.Hayashi), Mike Wright, Geoffrey Wood, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Pei Sun Ilya Okhmatovskiy and Anna Grosman eds., The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism and the Firm, Oxford University Press, 2022,


The book is a theoretical and empirical analysis of state capitalism, particularly the economic system as a Russian subject.


The Uniwinding of the Globalist Dream: EU, Russia and China, Steven Rosefielde, Masaaki Kuboniwa, Kumiko Haba and Satoshi Mizobata eds., World Scientific, 2018.


Discrepancies in the context of globalisation are examined with regard to the economic system and international economic relations with Europe, Russia and China. The suitability of the economic system to the external environment is considered.


Melting Boundaries: Institutional Transformation in the Wider Europe, Kyoto University Press, 2008.


Analyses institutional restructuring in Europe from the perspective of economic institutions and evolutionary economics.


“Comparative Economic Studies of Transition: Four Lessons from Analytical Reviews of the Literature” (with I. Iwasaki), Bruno Dallago and Sara Casagrande eds., The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems, Routledge, London, 2022


It analyses the lessons of the transition to a market economy from a comparative economic perspective and identifies policy implications.